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Alt 08-07-2005, 07:50   #16
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Und der Kurs zeigt weiter nach oben!
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Alt 08-07-2005, 08:13   #17
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langsam aber stetig ...

- mal schaun, was abgeht, wenn die endlich die ersten konkreten erfolgsmeldungen von ihrer ASP-Förderung bringen ...
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Alt 11-07-2005, 16:18   #18
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welche Ehre ...

Press Release Source: Cano Petroleum Inc.

Cano Petroleum to Ring Opening Bell at American Stock Exchange
Monday July 11, 10:00 am ET

FORT WORTH, Texas, July 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Cano Petroleum Inc. (Amex: CFW), an oil and gas producer focused on enhanced oil recovery of mature U.S. oil fields, will ring the opening bell at the American Stock Exchange on Tuesday, July 12, 2005. Cano began trading on the Amex on May 5, 2005.
"As a U.S. company producing oil and gas in the USA for the USA, we are working hard to reduce our country's dependence on foreign oil sources. So it is especially meaningful for the Cano team to have the honor of opening trading for the American Stock Exchange on Tuesday," said Jeff Johnson, chairman and chief executive officer of Cano. "We are also proud to have reached yet another milestone in our growth. As a publicly-traded company, we look forward to providing our shareholders with increasing value as we move forward."


Cano Petroleum Inc. is an independent Texas-based energy producer with properties in the mid-continent region of the United States. Led by an experienced management team, Cano's primary focus is on increasing domestic production from proven fields using enhanced recovery methods. Cano trades on the American Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol CFW. Additional information is available at http://www.canopetro.com .


Except for historical information contained herein, the statements in this Press Release are forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause our actual results in future periods to differ materially from forecasted results. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, volatility of natural resource prices, product demand, market competition, and risks inherent in our operations. These and other risks are described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

For media inquiries, contact: For investor inquiries, contact:
Kenneth Kracmer Bob Schwaller
Michael & Partners Michael & Partners
972-716-0500 ext. 15 972-243-0439
kkracmer@michaelpartners.com bob@horizonmarcom.net

Source: Cano Petroleum Inc.
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Alt 12-07-2005, 08:37   #19
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auf Deutsch:

Cano Petroleum eröffnet Handel an der American Stock Exchange

11.07.2005 - 17:51 Uhr

Fort Worth, Texas (ots/PRNewswire) - Cano Petroleum Inc. (ISIN:
US1378011068/ WKN: A0B5TJ), ein Öl- und Gasproduzent, der sich auf
den Ausbau und die Verbesserung der Ölgewinnung aus älteren Feldern
in den USA konzentriert, wird am Dienstag, den 12. Juli 2005, den
Handel an der American Stock Exchange eröffnen. Cano wird seit 5. Mai
2005 an der Amex gehandelt.

"Als US-amerikanischer, in den und für die USA tätiger Öl- und
Gasproduzent arbeiten wir hart dafür, die Abhängigkeit unseres Landes
von ausländischen Ölquellen zu reduzieren. Es ist daher für das
Cano-Team besonders bedeutungsvoll, dass wir am Dienstag die Ehre
haben, den Handel an der American Stock Exchange zu eröffnen", meinte
Jeff Johnson, Vorsitzender und CEO bei Cano. "Wir sind auch stolz
darauf, in unserem Wachstum einen weiteren Meilenstein erreicht zu
haben. Als öffentlich gehandeltes Unternehmen freuen wir uns darauf,
unseren Aktionären mit unserer weiteren Entwicklung steigenden Wert
bieten zu können."


Cano Petroleum Inc. ist ein in Texas ansässiger, unabhängiger
Energieproduzent mit Liegenschaften in der mittleren
Kontinentalregion der USA. Unter der Leitung eines erfahrenen
Managementteams konzentriert sich Cano in erster Linie auf erhöhte
Produktion im Inland aus bewährten Ölfeldern unter Anwendung
verbesserter Förderverfahren. Cano wird an der American Stock
Exchange unter dem Kürzel CFW gehandelt. Weitere Informationen finden
Sie unter http://www.canopetro.com.

Kontakt für Anfragen von Medien und Anlegern:
Bjorn Junker

Website: http://www.canopetro.com

Originaltext: Cano Petroleum Inc. Digitale Pressemappe: http://presseportal.de/story.htx?firmaid=57382 Pressemappe via RSS: feed://presseportal.de/rss/pm_57382.rss2

Bjorn Junker, +49-0-40-41-33-09-50 oder info@bjoernjunker.de , für
Cano Petroleum Inc.
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Alt 13-07-2005, 19:48   #20
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Cano im "Aktionär"

...Cano Petrolium z.B., hat ein neues Verfahren entwickelt, mit dem auch Öl gefördert werden kann, das in schwierigen Gesteinsformation gebunden ist. Das Unternehmen pumpt eine Art Chemikaliencocktail in den Boden, der das Öl aus dem Gestein löst. Ausgezeichnete Kenner der Szene, wie etwa Jeroen van der Veer, Chef des Ölgiganten Royal Dutch, sind sich sicher, dass durch solch neuer Verfahren der sogenannte Recovery-Faktor von derzeit 30 auf 50% gesteigert werden kann...
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Alt 13-07-2005, 22:51   #21
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Der Kurs aber erstmal gebremst - Rückfall auf 4...

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Alt 14-07-2005, 08:14   #22
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und wieder hoch auf 4,40

mal schaun, ob die nächsten news aus dem unternehmen substanzieller sind ...
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Alt 19-07-2005, 07:34   #23
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Commodity Stocks Investor zu Cano Petro

Commodity Stocks Investor

Den Vogel schoss kürzlich Ixis CIB ab. Die
Investmentbank der französischen Sparkassen kann sich 2015 einen Preis von 380 Dollar vorstellen. Zum Vergleich
zogen die Franzosen die Ölpreisschocks der 70er-Jahre heran. Auch wenn das eine äußerst kühne Prognose
ist, scheint klar: Setzen Sie weiter auf die aussichtsreichsten Gewinner der Ölknappheit. Zum Beispiel:

CANO PETROLEUM spülte Ihnen seit unserem Zugriff
fast 50 Prozent ins Depot! Ende November vergangenen
Jahres hatten wir Sie erstmals auf diese Gesellschaft hingewiesen – damals noch zum Preis von 3,10 Euro. Dass selbst der seitherige Kursanstieg noch lange nicht das Ende der Fahnenstange ist, zeigt nicht nur ein Blick auf den Chart, der einen baldigen Ausbruch signalisiert. Auch fundamental sieht die Lage rosig aus, denn die Gesellschaft aus Texas verfolgt eine hoch interessante Nischenstrategie: Man fokussiert sich ausschließlich
auf die Ausbeutung älterer, bereits erschlossener,
aber zwischenzeitlich stillgelegter Erdöl- und Erdgasvorkommen in den USA, die dank neuer Technologien und hoher Ölpreise wieder profitabel betrieben werden können. Um sich keinem Wettbewerbsdruck auszusetzen, nimmt man nur solche Gebiete ins Visier, bei denen die Großen der
Branche aufgrund ihrer Strukturen nicht konkurrieren können.

Einen Wettbewerbsvorteil sichert sich CANO vor allem durch die Alkaline-Surfactant-Polymer (ASP)-Technik, die sich als besonders kostengünstig erwiesen hat. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Kombination von chemischen Zusätzen, die sich als effiziente Methode für die Maximierung der Ölausbeute im Anschluss an die erste Wasserflutung bewährt hat. Blicken wir auf die Assets: CANO verfügt über vier Öl- und Gasliegenschaften mit nachgewiesenen Reserven im Wert von 33,6 Millionen Dollar! Der Wert der möglichen Reserven beläuft sich gar auf etwa 450 Millionen Dollar. Und die will man aggressiv abbauen: Dazu soll die aktuelle Produktion von 420 Barrel pro Tag in den kommenden zwei Jahren verzehnfacht werden. Bedenkt man, dass in den von den Majors zurückgelassenen Ölfeldern noch bis zu zwei
Drittel des schwarzen Goldes schlummern, scheint dieses
Ziel nicht zu hoch gegriffen.

Für die nötigen Finanzmittel zur Expansion sorgt eine nicht bindende Vereinbarung mit Petrobridge Investment Management, die eine dreijährige Kreditfazilität über bis zu 100 Millionen Dollar sichert. Weiteres Plus: Seit Anfang Mai ist die Firma auch an der New Yorker Amex notiert und erscheint damit zusätzlich auf dem Radar der Großanleger. Barclay Nash nennt ein Kursziel von 8,30 USD –legt dabei aber einen Ölpreis von gerade einmal 35 Dollar zugrunde (Kurs aktuell 4,30 Euro, WKN A0B5TJ)
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Alt 19-07-2005, 07:41   #24
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Das nennt man eine gewaltige Empfehlung!
Schöne Grüße
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Alt 20-07-2005, 16:27   #25
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Phase II Tests positiv für Nowata Feld von Cano Petroleum

Phase II Tests positiv für Nowata Feld von Cano Petroleum

20.07.2005 - 16:17 Uhr

Fort Worth, Texas (ots/PRNewswire) - Cano Petroleum Inc. (ISIN:
US1378011068/WKN: A0B5TJ) hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass die zweite
der drei Labortest-Phasen, mit denen die Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
des Nowata Feldes bewertet wird, mit positiven Ergebnissen
abgeschlossen wurde. Die Ergebnisse der linearen Kerntestung legen
nahe, dass eine Alkaline-Surfactant-Polymer (ASP) Flutung potenziell
bis zu zusätzlichen 34% der ursprünglich 58 Mio. Barrel Original Oil
In Place (OOIP) im Nowata Feld fördern könnte, das im nördlichen
Oklahoma gelegen ist.

" Obwohl die Tests für Nowata noch nicht abgeschlossen sind, sind
wir doch sehr ermutigt von den Testergebnissen der Phase II und
glauben, dass wir eine erfolgreiche chemische Flutung der Mehrzahl
der 58 Mio. Barrel OOIP in Nowata durchführen können" , sagte Jeff
Johnson, Chairman und CEO von Cano.

ASP Flutung stellt eine fortschrittliche EOR-Technik dar, die
eingesetzt werden kann, um zusätzliches Öl zu fördern, das nach der
technischen und wirtschaftlichen Ausschöpfung primärer und sekundärer
Fördermethoden noch vorhanden ist. ASP verwendet geringe
Konzentrationen von Surfaktanten, Polymeren und anderen Additiven,
die zu bereits bestehenden Wasserflutungsoperationen zur " Säuberung"
hartnäckiger oder schwer zugänglicher Ölbestände auf Felsgestein
hinzugefügt werden, ähnlich dem Einsatz von Seife zur Reinigung von
fettigen Pfannen.

In weiteren Tests haben gründliche Experimente die Auswahl der
chemischen Stoffe eingeengt, die bei der Nowata ASP-Flutung Einsatz
finden werden, von einigen Dutzend Möglichkeiten auf einige wenige
viel versprechenden Lösungen. Diese Kandidaten werden bei den
Labor-Tests der Phase III in radialen Kernflutungen eingesetzt.
Radiale Kernflutungen werden die Wirksamkeit der Mischung für
verbesserte Kontakteigenschaften für das Reservoir messen, indem die
chemischen ASP-Lösungen von einem zentralen Punkt aus eingespült
werden, ähnlich einem Injektionsbohrloch im Feld.

Die Phase III-Tests werden erwartungsgemäss innerhalb von 60 bis
90 Tage abgeschlossen sein und sollten zu einer wirksamen
Flutungsmischung für Nowata führen. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der
Phase III wird Cano mit der Konstruktion der ASP-Piloteinrichtungen
in Nowata beginnen.

Cano verfügt über drei Assets mit insgesamt 208 Mio. Barrel OOIP,
die spezifische Kriterien für chemisches EOR erfüllen,
einschliesslich der Felder Davenport und Nowata in Oklahoma, und des
Desdemona-Feldes in Texas. Cano hat das Nowata Feld am 14. Sept. 2004


Cano Petroleum, Inc. ist ein in Texas ansässiger, unabhängiger
Energieproduzent mit Grundstückbesitz in der mittleren
Kontinentalregion der USA. Unter der Leitung eines erfahrenen
Managementteams konzentriert sich Cano in erster Linie auf erhöhte
Produktion im Inland aus bewährten Öllagerfeldern unter Anwendung
verbesserter Förderverfahren. Cano wird an der American Stock
Exchange unter dem Tickersymbol CFW gehandelt. Weitergehende
Informationen sind unter ://www.canopetro.com erhältlich.

Für Presseanfragen und Fragen von Investoren wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Bjorn Junker

Website: http://www.canopetro.com

Originaltext: Cano Petroleum Inc. Digitale Pressemappe: http://presseportal.de/story.htx?firmaid=57382 Pressemappe via RSS: feed://presseportal.de/rss/pm_57382.rss2

Bjorn Junker, +49-0-40-41-33-09-50, oder info@bjoernjunker.de , für
Cano Petroleum Inc
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Alt 25-07-2005, 16:54   #26
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Animation Wasserflutungsprozess ...

und wenn man das installiert hat, muss man nur noch die ASP-Chemikalien dazu geben:

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Alt 25-07-2005, 22:31   #27
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Wenn sich davon nun auch noch der Kurs animieren ließe ...
Schöne Grüße
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Alt 02-08-2005, 12:05   #28
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Squeezing Oil From Deserted Wells

July 24, 2005, latimes.com
Squeezing Oil From Deserted Wells
• Independent companies use specialized techniques in fields where 'low-hanging fruit' is long gone. With prices at $60 a barrel, the intensive effort can pay off.

By Dana Calvo, Special to The Times
FORT WORTH — Engineers who specialize in finding leftover pockets of oil are the Zen masters of the oil industry.

They know they'll never hit the big strike, and that's all right. Instead, they methodically and patiently flush petroleum from wells that have long since been abandoned by the energy giants.
"We go out to these large fields where the big companies took the low-hanging fruit," said Jeff Johnson, chief executive of Fort Worth-based Cano Petroleum. "In our blue-collar way — it's not sexy — but we're bringing these fields back to life."

Cano is one of 5,000 independent oil companies that are picking up the scraps left behind by larger corporations using expensive and risky techniques that the industry calls "enhanced oil recovery" — EOR for short — on old, low-production wells. For every barrel of oil produced in the United States there are two barrels left behind, and with a per-barrel pricetag of nearly $60, the hunt becomes even more lucrative.

With U.S. oil production on the decline, and energy from alternative sources still a small part of the supply picture, experts are pulling for companies such as Cano.

"Renewable energy is a great idea, but the fact is that we're not there yet," said Alesha Leemaster, spokeswoman for the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, which represents the governors of states that produce oil and natural gas. "It's so important that we get those extra resources out of the ground."

This spring, Cano acquired a field in Central Texas that was abandoned nearly 20 years ago. Wooden derricks that littered the storied Desdemona site during its oil-boom heyday of the 1920s had long since been sold for firewood when Johnson laid down $8 million for the field, which covers more than 10,000 acres.

Today, Johnson's company is using enhanced recovery techniques to pull 80 barrels of oil a day from Desdemona's 60 wells, or about 1.3 barrels per well. These are known as stripper wells — wells that yield less than 10 barrels of oil a day — and Desdemona is riddled with them.

"Stripper wells are huge in this country," said Jeff Eshelman, spokesman for the Independent Producers Assn. of America. "They're the equivalent of what we import from Saudi Arabia each year."

In 2003, according to the most recent data available, the nation's 393,463 stripper wells produced 313 million barrels, or about 15% of domestic, onshore oil production in the contiguous 48 states. Most of the country's stripper wells are in Texas, Oklahoma and California, with half of California's 42,000 oil wells classified as strippers.In contrast to the stripper wells' output, many larger wells that are being worked over by the likes of Chevron Corp. yield more than 100 barrels a day, according to Iraj Ershaghi, director of the Center for Interactive Smart Oilfield Technology at USC.

"There are going to be more and more companies looking at" enhanced oil recovery, Ershaghi said. "The new enhanced oil recovery processes were not put into practice in the '80s and '90s because it wasn't cost-effective — they were expensive processes and oil was affordable. But now, you have to explore different environments or revisit mature fields."

But not everyone is convinced enhanced recovery on these stripper wells can have much effect on the nation's oil production.

"The problem with a lot of these things, it's actually very small numbers in the grand scheme of things," said Leta Smith, senior consultant for IHS Energy, an oil and gas consulting service.

Johnson, who in a former career raised financing for energy projects, has heard the doubts for years. After all, he founded Cano in 1999, just before the price of oil crashed to $10 a barrel.

Even when critics said it was too expensive and not profitable, Johnson continued to gear Cano entirely toward enhanced recovery from proven fields.

"They said, 'Why isn't anyone else doing it?' " he said.

Now, the Lubbock native is heading a 14-person company with $17 million in assets, 3.6 million barrels of proven reserves, and no long-term bank debt. He is also in charge of properties on which there is no exploration risk: All Canos wells once were proven producers.

In a corporate rite of passage, Johnson rang the opening bell of the American Stock Exchange on July 12. Cano went public last year and in May migrated to the Amex.

There are a variety of methods by which to grab hold of remaining oil pockets in a well. Companies pump carbon dioxide, water or steam into old wells to push more oil out of the rock and up to the service. Sophisticated computer simulations can spot caches of oil hidden inside rock that can then be accessed by drilling out from a nearby well.

Cano mostly relies on a process known as alkaline-surfactant-polymer, which is used to get the last 16%-25% of oil out of the rock.

First, the wells are flooded with water and then a soap-like chemical is pumped underground that loosens the oil molecules from the rock — like dishwashing soap prying greasy residue off a lasagna pan. Finally, the oil is separated from the water and sucked up out of the ground. Sometimes, engineers actually use an industrial-sized vacuum to pull the hard-to-get oil caches out.

Using this technique, Cano's 2,601-acre field in Nowata, Okla., is producing 77,000 barrels of fluid a day, out of which the company is pulling 250 barrels of oil daily. "This isn't thick and tarry oil," said John Lacik, Cano's production, safety, health and environmental coordinator. "It's real pretty, greenish-gold and real lightweight."

Cano's active fields are mainly in Texas and Oklahoma, and the company is on the prowl for more. "There are good opportunities in California, and we're looking at acquisitions there," Johnson said.

Johnson estimates that Desdemona has almost 100 billion barrels of oil in place, waiting for advanced extraction strategies.

Enhanced recovery isn't foolproof, though. In its stock prospectus, Cano warns investors that the volume and present value of its reserves "may prove to be lower than we have estimated." The prospectus also says Cano faces "strong competition from larger oil and natural-gas companies, which makes it difficult to conduct profitable operations." The company is not yet profitable. For the nine months ended March 31, it reported a $2.1-million loss on revenue of $3.8 million.

Another difficulty for the enhanced recovery industry is the shortage of specialists. In recent years, natural gas became the industry's darling. So even though enhanced recovery training remains a requirement for undergraduate petroleum engineers, few have been exposed to actual implementation of the process.

Enhanced oil recovery "takes specialized training," Smith said. "It's going to take a little bit of effort on somebody's part to bring in a consultant to do certain types of EOR."

That leaves two types of enhanced recovery specialists in the market: recent graduates who have scant job experience or veterans of enhanced oil recovery — and there are few old hands available. Cano managed to lure its vice president of operations and engineering, Tom Cochrane, away from Exxon Mobil Corp. last year.

"I have an expertise in mature oil properties," he said on a recent afternoon at Cano's office in downtown Fort Worth. "And it was either learn some new tricks or go someplace where they value my expertise."

Copyright 2005 Los Angeles Times
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Alt 09-08-2005, 23:11   #29
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Na, da wird doch kräftig am Hoch gerüttelt ....

Das da mal kein Doppeltop draus wird....
Schöne Grüße
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Alt 17-08-2005, 13:22   #30
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auch AMEX schützt vor schwankungen nicht

hart unter die räder gekommen die letzten tage...

m.E. könnte das aber bald vorbei sein:

Press Release Source: Cano Petroleum, Inc.

Cano Petroleum Discusses SB-2 Filing, Presents at Oil & Gas Conference and Expects Third Phase Laboratory Testing Results
Tuesday August 16, 1:55 pm ET

FORT WORTH, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 16, 2005--On August 12, 2005, a Registration Statement on Form SB-2, as amended (SEC File Number 333-126167) of Cano Petroleum, Inc. (the "Company") (AMEX: CFW - News) was declared effective by the SEC. The Registration Statement registered 6,980,707 shares of the Company's common stock. More than one-half of the shares were registered on behalf of third parties who either converted preferred stock to common stock or acquired common stock via private placement. The remaining shares were registered on behalf of directors, officers and employees of the Company. Most of these shares remain in escrow until July 1, 2006, or until specified performance criteria is met in the future. Although these directors, officers and employees are all listed as selling stockholders in the Registration Statement to potentially sell their shares, to the extent they presently have the right to do so, none of them currently intends to sell any of his or her shares in the near future. All of the shares covered by the Registration Statement are presently counted in the Company's 20,352,757 shares outstanding.
On August 8, 2005, Jeff Johnson, CEO, presented an overview of the Company's business at the 10th Oil & Gas Conference hosted by Enercom, Inc. in Denver, Colorado. This presentation and previous similar presentations are and have been on the Company's website and include an estimate of proved reserves computed by our independent petroleum engineer, an internal estimate of our probable reserves, the PV10 of such reserves at $43.63 barrel oil, information regarding the Company's properties and information regarding the Company's enhanced oil recovery methods.

The Company previously announced on July 20, 2005, the completion of the second of three phases of laboratory testing to evaluate enhanced oil recovery of its Nowata Field yielding positive results. The Company has not received any results of the third phase of testing and expects to release the third phase results on or about September 30, 2005.

About Cano Petroleum

Cano Petroleum, Inc. is an independent Texas-based energy producer with properties in the mid-continent region of the United States. Led by an experienced management team, Cano's primary focus is on increasing domestic production from proven fields using enhanced recovery methods. Cano trades on the American Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol CFW. Additional information is available at www.canopetro.com.

Safe-Harbor Statement -- Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters set forth in this news release are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The company intends that all such statements be subject to the "safe-harbor" provisions of those Acts. Many important risks, factors and conditions may cause the company's actual results to differ materially from those discussed in any such forward-looking statement. These risks include, but are not limited to, estimates or forecasts of reserves, estimates or forecasts of production, future commodity prices, exchange rates, interest rates, geological and political risks, drilling risks, product demand, transportation restrictions, the ability of Cano Petroleum, Inc. to obtain additional capital, and other risks and uncertainties described in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The historical results achieved by the company are not necessarily indicative of its future prospects. The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Cautionary Notes to Investors -- The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) permits oil and gas companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only proved reserves that a company has demonstrated by actual production or conclusive formation tests to be economically and legally producible under existing economic and operating conditions. Cano uses "probable reserves" in this news release, which the SEC's guidelines strictly prohibit it from including in filings with the SEC. Investors are urged to also consider closely the disclosure in Cano's Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004, available from Cano by calling 817-475-0000. This form also can be obtained from the SEC at www.sec.gov.

Cano Petroleum, Inc.
Investor Contact:
Craig Scott, 800-769-7205
Media Contact:
HWH Public Relations/New Media
Norman Iannarelli, 203-856-3487

Source: Cano Petroleum, Inc.
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