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Themen-Optionen Bewertung: Bewertung: 3 Stimmen, 5,00 durchschnittlich.
Alt 12-02-2013, 17:19   #1
TBB Starmember
Registriert seit: Jun 2010
Beiträge: 496
Thumbs up BMSN - Bio-Matrix Scientific Group - WKN: A0NJL3

BMSN - Bio-Matrix Scientific Group - WKN: A0NJL3 -
ISIN: US09065C1062 $$$$

Nach der Legalisierung den Marihuana in zwei US-Bundesstaaten, sind die sogenannten "Drug-Stocks" im Aufwind. Ein Ende ist nicht in Sicht. USA wird anscheinend wie auch Holland den Drogen-Verkauf zulassen. Mittlerweile verzeichnen die Drug-Stocks gewaltige Wertzuwächse und sind laut Analysten immer noch stark unterbewertet.
(Wholly-Owned Susidiary of BMSN)

Entest BioMedical Inc. (OTCBB: ENTB)is a majority owned subsidiary of Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc (OTCBB: BMSN). The Company is involved with the development of stem cell therapy treatments for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), cancer immuno-therapies, testing procedures for diabetes and stem cell research applications for diabetes and other illnesses. The Company also is involved with medical device development (including stem cell extraction instrumentation). Currently, Entest is focused on research and development in areas of COPD and Immuno-Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines. The Company sees applications for its patent pending technologies in both human and animal venues. Immuno-therapeutic treatment of cancer - The patent pending Entest application involves perfecting the use of cell lines for sustained release of immunologically relevant cytokines for maximum anti-tumor immune responses in treating cancer. The treatment process itself will utilize an implantable encapsulation device as the vaccine delivery system and the initial focus will be treatment of cancer in canines. This canine cancer treatment may also provide clinical support for expansion into human cancer treatment. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease -There is currently no cure for COPD and therapy is limited to management of the condition and its symptoms. Over the next 5 years, it is estimated that over $170 billion will be spent on treating COPD in the United States. Entest believes its COPD treatment, which utilizes patent pending adult stem cell therapy coupled with photoceutical device enhancement, has the potential to reverse COPD related lung damage as well as alleviate symptoms. Entest BioMedical was founded for the purpose of providing excellence in biotechnology research (including adult stem cell regenerative treatment). Our objectives go beyond developing single products and procedures. Our mission is to discover and develop new procedures, treatments and medical devices that improve the quality of life. Our efforts revolve around a business focus of developing leading research and technology. Ongoing R&D is paramount to us in developing products and procedures with purpose, products and services that serve the present and help shape the future.

FDA FILING HemaXellerate™

[Regen intends to file an Investigational New Drug (IND) Application in the fourth quarter of 2012 ]
patent No. 6,821,513 http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/10/prweb9972993.htm
HemaXellerate™ offers the possibility of delivering a population of endothelial cells to restore blood production in patients with hematological conditions. "Unlike current approaches of administering pharmaceuticals," said J. Christopher Mizer, President of Regen BioPharma, "our strategy is to heal the bone marrow by administering cells that provide the optimum mix of growth factors to stimulate the bone marrow into producing blood cells naturally." Regen has submitted two provisional patent applications covering the use of different sources of endothelial cells to heal damaged bone marrow. These applications cover: (1) placental cells (61/648898 - Acceleration 0f Hematopoietic Reconstitution by Placental Endothelial and Endothelial Progenitor Cells); and (2) fat cells (61/670791 - Treatment of Hematopoietic Disorders).

1.Month 1-2: Assembly of Team. Regen intends to assemble a team of world-class leaders in the spheres of Technology, Intellectual Property assessment, valuation and Clinical development. Regen will seek to compile a team of Physician-Scientists with experience in the area of clinical trials for regenerative medicine/stem cell products, Regulatory experts who have successfully taken products through the FDA and corresponding agencies internationally, and Biotech Entrepreneurs who have track records of excellence in business formation and value optimization. -DONE
2.Month 1-4: In-licensing of Intellectual Property. The Company having already assessed over 20,000 issued patents and having compiled a shortlist of 30 targets; Regen will seek to execute licensing deals on an initial core of 3 technologies. Regen focuses on issued patents that have already passed preclinical studies but are not under clinical development. -DONE
3.Month 3-6: Interaction with Regulatory Agencies. Regen intends to develop data packages for each of the technologies and initiate interaction with Regulatory Agencies such as the FDA for initiation of trials.-DONE (CLINARTIS)
4.Month 6-18: Clinical Implementation. Regen intends to launch clinical trials with world-leading institutions to obtain human safety data and "signal" of therapeutic efficacy. NEXT UP
5.Month 18-24: Exit. It is intended that technologies "incubated" by Regen will be spun off either as separate companies, or sold to Large Pharma companies seeking to enhance their therapeutic pipeline.
6."At present there exists a wealth of intellectual property that is 'collecting dust' in the corridors of Academia. Given the field of regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy is so young, and the business models are fuzzy at best in terms of valuation, we see this space as a unique opportunity for acceleration of clinical development/value optimization," said Bio-Matrix Chairman & CEO David Koos about its Regen BioPharma. "Valuations for stem cell companies that have passed the threshold of clinical safety, with signals of efficacy are astronomical. The $1.8 billion Mesoblast-Cephalon deal, as well as recent financings of private companies with as little as 3 patient data such as Promethera ($31 million) or Allocure with 16 patients ($23 million), is testimony to the extremely high valuations that are characteristic of this space."
$$$$$$$ Why Expect BMSN FDA Approval of IND App...

At times, some people fail to realize that within the penny stock world, it’s not all about where you have been as a company… it’s all about where you are going. BMSN appears to be truly going some places in some major ways.

Per the FDA link below, they will review the Investigational New Drug (IND) application filed with the FDA by BMSN (Regen BioPharma a wholly-owned subsidiary of BMSN) and yes, after not having any comments within 30 days after submission (about 24 now remaining), BMSN could move forward with their goal to initiate clinical trials assessing the company's HemaXellerate I™ stem cell drug in patients:


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Alt 12-02-2013, 22:07   #2
TBB Starmember
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Beiträge: 496
Thumbs up BMSN kommt von 1,19 US$ Dollar und dahin und mehr wird sie auch wieder hinkommen

BMSN kommt von 1,19 US$ Dollar und dahin und mehr wird sie auch wieder hinkommen, wenn m,an dedenkt das die Indutire diese Branche eine Branche in In den USA einen Marktkapital von 18 Mrd. Milliarden US$ Dollar aus macht, nehmen wir einmal an das BMSN nur 1% davon sind es eine partizipation von 180.000.000 Mio US$ für BMSN anm Umsatz $$$

Hier die Berechnungen für euch, Hier steckt viel Performance und sehr STRONG LONG $$$$$ My target: 3,00 US$ Longterm auf 16 - 12 Monate Sicht: $$$

A Very Likely $1.19 BMSN Fundamental Valuation…

Before I explain how ”logically” BMSN could ”Fundamentally” be worth trading in the $1.19 per share area, I think it fair to first understand some of the key variables that I will use to help me to derive this ”Fundamental Valuation” for BMSN.

Look within the Yahoo link below and you will see that BMSN trades within the Biotechnology Industry that exists within the Healthcare Sector:


Within the Biotechnology Industry, stocks that are fully reporting and file with the SEC have a Net Profit Margin % of 11.90% and a Price to Earnings (P/E) Ratio of 57.80 as indicated within the Yahoo Finance database as confirmed below:

Read the post below to fully understand the importance of the P/E Ratio:

Now consider below that it has been indicated that BMSN is seeking to enter into an $18 billion market for bone marrow stimulating growth factors as indicated below since beginning the development of its first clinical product (HemaXellerate™) which is a cellular drug designed to heal damaged bone marrow:

The question now is… Do you believe that BMSN would be able to achieve at least 1% of that $18 Billion market if they obtain their FDA Letter? The answers is… Yes, no doubt! However, for the purposes of this valuation, I will remain conservative and figure that BMSN would only be able to achieve obtaining only 1% of that $18 Billion market so that investors could understand the magnitude of the true potential that would then exist in BMSN…

1% of $18,000,000,000 = $180,000,000 in Revenues

$180,000,000 x 11.90% Net Profit Margin = $21,420,000 in Net Profit/Income

Per the recent 8-K below, the BMSN Outstanding Shares (OS) is 1,035,911,549 shares:

Now consider the formulas below to derive a “potential” ”Fundamental Valuation” for BMSN:

Net Profit/Income ÷ OS = Earnings Per Share (EPS)
EPS x Price to Earnings (P/E) Ratio = Expected Price Per Share


Net Profit/Income ÷ OS = Earnings Per Share (EPS)
$21,420,000 Net Profit/Income ÷ 1,035,911,549 OS = .0206 Earnings Per Share (EPS)

EPS x Price to Earnings (P/E) Ratio = Expected Price Per Share
.0206 EPS x 57.80 P/E Ratio = $1.19 per share

This means that given the above fundamental variables, the expected price per share could be justified to be trading within the $1.19 per share range for BMSN if BMSN is only able to capture only 1% of its $18 Billion market of which it exists.

If you believe that BMSN would capture still an amount far less than 1% of the $18 Billion market to let’s say maybe ”half” of the 1% of the $18 Billion market, then the expected price per share could be justified trading within the .59 per share range for BMSN.

On the contrary, if you believe that BMSN is going to capture far more than 1% of the $18 Billion market, then for every 1% that you believe it would obtain from the $18 Billion market… then you can ”fundamentally” add $1.19 per share for each 1% of expectation. Example below:

1% of $18 Billion Market = $1.19 per share for BMSN
2% of $18 Billion Market = $2.38 per share for BMSN
3% of $18 Billion Market = $3.57 per share for BMSN
4% of $18 Billion Market = $4.76 per share for BMSN
5% of $18 Billion Market = $5.95 per share for BMSN

And so on… and so on… etc.

With this valuation post, it is like any other valuation post that I have made in that it will not be up to what I post or say in order for these price levels to be achieved. It will be up to the company to deliver the ”substance” that we all here are expecting to be the stimulus for such to transpire. Here with BMSN, that primary substance that should act as the stimulus would be the FDA Letter. If BMSN delivers the FDA Letter to the public, then it is very possible that any of the valuations above by themselves or combined could happen.

Please, do not use or consider this post to be the gospel for where BMSN is going. Use it as a framework to have to understand where BMSN could very well go ”just-in-case” BMSN deliver the goods.

Before closing, there is something else very important to note… BMSN trades on the OTCQB. This means that they are fully reporting and file their financials with the SEC. This also means that they have ”audited” financials already acclimated with its existence.

BMSN SEC Filings:



Bottom line, obtaining the FDA Letter is key, but of course it will also be important for BMSN to remain current and qualified on the OTCQB venture marketplace too. This means that BMSN is very legit and very transparent. The more investors learn of BMSN and its potential, the more significant growth that will be achieved for BMSN.

With BMSN, there are the following key things that investors are expecting to continue the move northward…

1**Filing of 10Q/K
2**Pending FDA IND Application News
3**Research & Safety Data News
4**Phase I & II Clinical Trial Update News
5**Merger News to bring even more valuation

BMSN Website:
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Alt 13-02-2013, 10:47   #3
TBB Starmember
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Thumbs up BMSN at The Ney York Times Wednesday, February 13, 2013

BMSN at The Ney York Times Wednesday, February 13, 2013


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Alt 13-02-2013, 17:56   #4
TBB Starmember
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Thumbs up BMSN $$$$

Hier kann man mit 400 Euro ein Vermögen machen $$$
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Alt 14-02-2013, 21:44   #5
TBB Starmember
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Thumbs up BMSN on RADAR $$TARGET/ZIEL: 3,00+ US$ Dollars LONGTERM


Bio-Matrix Scientific Group (BMSN) (BMSN) announced today that its Regen BioPharma unit has appointed three internationally renowned regenerative medicine experts to its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). The new SAB members appointed are David White, M.D., PhD; Wei-Ping Min, M.D., PhD and Vlad Bogin, M.D.

Dr. White is a member of the Surgery and Immunology faculty of The Schulic School of Medicine, University of Western Ontario. He is one of the leading experts on using regenerative medicine transplant procedures to treat pancreatic conditions, including diabetes. He is also the Chief Scientific Officer of Sernova Corp and was formerly a Therapeutic Area Head for Novartis. He received the B.Sc. degree from the University of Surrey and the M.D. and PhD degrees from Cambridge University.

Dr. Wei-Ping Min is Professor at the Lawson Health Research Center in Canada. He is inventor of siRNA therapeutics in the area of immunology and cell therapy to inhibit disease modalities. He is also the founder/cofounder of several biotech companies including MedVax Pharma Corp, and ToleroTech Inc. Dr. Min brings detailed scientific and mechanistic expertise to Regen BioPharma. He earned graduate and medical degrees from Nanchang University Medical School and the PhD degree from Kyushu University.

Dr. Bogin is the President and CEO of Cromos Pharma, a contract research organization that specializes in biopharmaceutical clinical outsourcing. He was formerly the Director of Boehringer Ingelheim in charge of the phase IV program for Dabigatran Etexilate. He studied at the Yale University School of Medicine and the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry.

Regen BioPharma has also entered into a Letter of Intent with Clinartis LLC, a global contract research organization (CRO). Clinartis is a full service global CRO serving pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies to support Phase I - IV drug and device clinical trials in the US and Europe.

The SAB and Clinartis will assist the Company in its acquisition of intellectual property related to stem cells, translation of the intellectual property into treatments, and optimizing the value of these new therapies.

"The potential of regenerative medicine products is significant," says Christopher Mizer, the President of Regen BioPharma. "We believe that strategic collaborative relationships between Regen BioPharma, our SAB and Clinartis will facilitate our efforts to create value from that potential by developing proprietary, life sciences technologies and demonstrating their clinical utility."

"Our strong SAB has scientific and regulatory expertise, coupled with Clinartis' access to world-class researchers and investigators will be very instrumental for accelerated commercialization of the cutting-edge biotechnology research on which Regen BioPharma is focused," according to Bio-Matrix Scientific Group's Chairman & CEO David Koos.

BMSN - STRONG BUY - BULLISH $$$ Target/Ziel: 3,00 US$ + Longterm
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Alt 15-02-2013, 01:48   #6
TBB Starmember
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Thumbs up BMSN $ auf dem in den US$ Dollar Bereich $

BMSN $ auf dem Weg in den US$ Dollar Bereich $

Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc. (BMSN)

0.0129+0.0015 (+13.16%)3:59P EST(OTHER OTC) - [After Hours: 0.0128-0.0001 (-0.78%) 4:00P EST]

Detailed Opinion as of Thursday, Feb 14th, 2013

Detailed Opinion
Show Signal Strength and Direction

Composite Indicators


Short Term Indicators

7 Day Average Directional Indicator


10 - 8 Day Moving Average Hilo Channel


20 Day Moving Average vs Price


20 - 50 Day MACD Oscillator


20 Day Bollinger Bands


Short Term Indicators Average: 100% Buy

20-Day Average Volume - 105,246,344

Medium Term Indicators

40 Day Commodity Channel Index


50 Day Moving Average vs Price


20 - 100 Day MACD Oscillator


50 Day Parabolic Time/Price


Medium Term Indicators Average: 100% Buy

50-Day Average Volume - 112,006,391

Long Term Indicators

60 Day Commodity Channel Index


100 Day Moving Average vs Price


50 - 100 Day MACD Oscillator


Long Term Indicators Average: 100% Buy

100-Day Average Volume - 63,871,480

Overall Average: 100% Buy
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Alt 15-02-2013, 15:16   #7
TBB Starmember
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Thumbs up BMSN - $$$

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Alt 15-02-2013, 22:24   #8
TBB Starmember
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Thumbs up BMSN $ Auf dem Weg in den US Dollar Bereich

BMSN $ Auf dem Weg in den US Dollar Bereich $

On the contrary, if you believe that BMSN is going to capture far more than 1% of the $18 Billion market, then for every 1% that you believe it would obtain from the $18 Billion market… then you can ”fundamentally” add $1.19 per share for each 1% of expectation. Example below:

1% of $18 Billion Market = $1.19 per share for BMSN
2% of $18 Billion Market = $2.38 per share for BMSN
3% of $18 Billion Market = $3.57 per share for BMSN
4% of $18 Billion Market = $4.76 per share for BMSN
5% of $18 Billion Market = $5.95 per share for BMSN

STRONG LONG - LONGTERM : 2,00 - 3,00 + USD$ Dollars
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Alt 16-02-2013, 19:08   #9
TBB Starmember
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Thumbs up BMSN. BMSN. BMSN. NEWS. NEWS. Big big NEWS soon IMO. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2013:eek:


Hear Something On The Grapevine_Bio-Matrix Scientific Group (BMSN) Shareholders Sierra Knows Something You Don't Know But Would Like Ventures Sierra World Equity Review. See Sierra's Coming Monday Headline for BMSN
HEADLINE: Hear Something On The Grapevine_Bio-Matrix Scientific Group (BMSN) Shareholders Sierra Knows Something You Don't Know But Would Like Ventures Sierra World Equity Review. See Sierra's Coming Monday Headline for BMSN. BMSN. BMSN. http://stockcharts.com/h-sc/ui?s=BMSN. BMSN. BMSN. http://www.barchart.com/quotes/stocks/BMSN. BMSN. BMSN. BMS
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Alt 17-02-2013, 20:00   #10
TBB Starmember
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Thumbs up $$$$$$$$ Worum geht es bei BMSN? Am 5. Februar, Regen BioPharma eine hundertprozen

$$$$$$$$ Worum geht es bei BMSN?

Am 5. Februar, Regen BioPharma eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc. ( OTC: BMSN ) angekündigt, Einreichung einer Untesuchung vom neuen Medikament (IND)-Anwendung an die FDA, um klinische Studien der Beurteilung für HemaXellerate I ™ Stammzell-Medikaments bei Patienten mit medikamentös refraktären Anämie einzuleiten. HemaXellerate I ™ ist eine spezifische Zusammensetzung von Zellen, die zuvor gezeigt, dass beschädigte Knochenmark repariert und die Produktion von Blutzellen auf früheren Tierversuchen stimuliert.

Das Unternehmen, das gemeinsam mit einer international renommierten Gruppe von Stammzellforscher, die vor kurzem die wissenschaftliche Grundlage für die HemaXellerate I ™ produzierten, haben folgenden Bericht veröffentlicht:

http://www.translational-medicine.co.../pdf/1479-5876 -10-231.pdf .

Welche Ziele hat BMSN?

Wenn die klinische Studie erfolgreich ist, plant das Unternehmen, Einsatz von HemaXellerate™ zu erweitern , um andere Bedingungen mit Knochenmark Dysfunktion zu assoziieren, mit dem übergeordneten Ziel, in den hämatopoetischen Wachstumsmarkt einzudringen. Dieser Markt ist erheblich groß und umfasst derzeit Medikamente wie Neupogen ®, Neulasta ®, Leukine ® und Revolade ®.

"Aktuelle medikamentöse Ansätze zur Heilung Knochenmarkschäden sind extrem teuer und bewirken unbeabsichtigte Konsequenzen wegen der mangelnden Selektivität", sagte Dr. Vladimir Bogin, „das Medikament HemaXellerate I ™ besitzt den Vorteil einer optimierten zellulären Mischung, die die benötigten Wachstumszellen an die jeweiligen Position im Knochenmark produziert. "

Quelle: http://ih.advfn.com/p.php?pid=nmona&article=56150687
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Alt 17-02-2013, 21:47   #11
TBB Starmember
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Thumbs up Was ist der nächste Schritt in der Forschung? Es ist eine klinische Studie geplant,

Was ist der nächste Schritt in der Forschung?

Es ist eine klinische Studie geplant, dazu werden 10 Patienten rekrutiert, die noch nicht durch andere Medikamente behandelt wurden. Diese werden dann mit HemaXellerat ™ behandelt, wobei man den Fortschritt innerhalb eines Jahres dokumentieren möchte.

Longterm Target: 3,00 US$ $$$$$$
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Alt 18-02-2013, 12:36   #12
TBB Starmember
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Thumbs up $.05 --$.10 after they announce phase 1 $.10--$.20 after they announce phase 2 $.20--

$.05 once the FDA clears their initial IND.
$.05 --$.10 after they announce phase 1
$.10--$.20 after they announce phase 2
$.20--.50 after the spin the drug off to big pharma.
However, I believe that BMSN will announce a second and third IND during all of that based on their previous statements regarding their business model.
Also, there is a bit of an unknown as to how to value companies in this field so my numbers may have to be adjuated 10--50% higher depending on how the market reacts.

Quelle/Link: http://investorshub.advfn.com/boards...ge_id=84706754

Geändert von TankerOne (18-02-2013 um 12:44 Uhr)
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Alt 18-02-2013, 19:21   #13
TBB Starmember
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Thumbs up About Biotech News Stock Review. BMSN. BMSN. BMSN. News and Events Wednesday, 06 Febr

About Biotech News Stock Review. BMSN. BMSN. BMSN. News and Events
Wednesday, 06 February 2013 00:00

Regen BioPharma announced today filing of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application with the FDA to initiate clinical trials assessing the company's HemaXellerate I™ stem cell drug in patients with drug-refractory aplastic anemia. Cromos Pharma's team took active part in IND application preparation.
More details can be found at Regen Biopharma website and press-release. BMSN. BMSN. BMSN. News and messages from CEO,
Dr Vladimir Bogin
Cromos™ Pharma helps Regen Biopharma in filing of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application with the FDA

Cut To The Chase_FDA WILL Approve Bio-Matrix Scientific (BMSN) IND Application, Share Price To Hit 10 Cents Prior To Clinical Trials Forecasts Sierra World Equity Review
HEADLINE: Cut To The Chase_FDA WILL Approve Bio-Matrix Scientific (BMSN) IND Application, Share Price To Hit 10 Cents Prior To Clinical Trials Forecasts Sierra World Equity Review BMSN Stock related, I was going to wait until Monday to release this but as my headline says, I'll cut to the chase! Bio-Matrix Scientific (BMSN) is not going to have any problems with their IND application, look for new press releases within 30 days giving information on the start of clinical trials. BMSN longs enjoy the ride all the way to the bank! BMSN. BMSN. BMSN.
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Alt 19-02-2013, 07:57   #14
TBB Starmember
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Thumbs up Wensite of BMSN $ http://www.regenbiopharma.com/ http://www.entb.net/ Das BMSN übe

Wensite of BMSN $



Das BMSN über Tochtergesellschaften Homepages betreibt, kann vielerlei Gründe haben. Zum Beispiel, dass man sich auf bestimmte Forschungsgebiete in jeder Gesellschaft konzentriert, usw.
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Alt 28-02-2013, 15:12   #15
TBB Starmember
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Thumbs up BMSN - NEWS $$$ FDA 2013 Calender and Clinical Trial Results $$$ —Alert__BREAKING>>>

BMSN - NEWS $$$ FDA 2013 Calender and Clinical Trial Results $$$

—Alert__BREAKING>>>>Biotech News Stock Review Breaks It First!_Approval Granted_Bio-Matrix Scientific Group (BMSN) Sails Through FDA Investigational New Drug (IND) Process, Next Orphan Drug Designation Predicts Biotech News Stock Review
Biotech News Stock Review Breaks It First!_Approval Granted_Bio-Matrix Scientific Group (BMSN) Sails Through FDA Investigational New Drug (IND) Process, Next Orphan Drug Designation Predicts Biotech News Stock Review.

Johnny is hearing from his very reliable sources that the FDA is shortly going to release the good news that BMSN shareholders have been waiting for, APPROVAL for HemaXellerate to move on and proceed with clinical trials. Wait for official word and then enjoy the ride shareholders of BMSN, check back for more updates!
Biotech Stock Share Price Rise Or Fall Projections For Week Of February 25th To March 1st 2013

Target: 2,00 - 3,00 + Longtermtarget $$$ Dollars
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