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Alt 03-01-2005, 07:45   #1
TBB Starmember
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würde gerne für das jahr 2005 in bisschen in kohle investieren,
leider finde ich kein passendes investment (zrertifikat...)

kann mir jemand helfen ?
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Alt 03-01-2005, 08:08   #2
letzter welterklärer
Benutzerbild von simplify
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Ort: Chancenburg, Kreis Aufschwung
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hallo zweistein,
soweit ich weiss, gibt es auch bisher kein zertifikat auf kohle.
man kann das nur umständlich mit futures über die londoner terminbörse machen.
eine andere möglichkeit ist das ganze über kohleaktien zu machen.

ich habe aber von der ABN gehört, dass die weitere papiere auf rohstoffe in der pipeline haben, vielleicht ist da ja diesmal kohle bei?
ich hatte wg. holz mal angefragt und da wird es noch im januar scheine drauf geben.

Der ideale Bürger: händefalten, köpfchensenken und immer an Frau Merkel denken
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Alt 03-01-2005, 08:16   #3
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Habe auch das web durch Kohle-Papiere durchsucht - aber bisher nichts gefunden ...
Schöne Grüße
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Alt 03-01-2005, 09:34   #4
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Kohlehausse überflügelt Preisanstieg beim Erdöl

Von Wolfgang Drechsler, Handelsblatt

Sie ist schmutzig und weniger attraktiv als Gold oder Platin. Doch ausgerechnet die lange vernachlässigte Kohle erlebt derzeit eine ungeahnte Renaissance. In kaum einem Rohstoffsektor sind die Aussichten ähnlich günstig – und die seit Jahresbeginn markant gestiegenen Preise sind ein deutliches Indiz dafür.


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Alt 03-01-2005, 09:38   #5
letzter welterklärer
Benutzerbild von simplify
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Ort: Chancenburg, Kreis Aufschwung
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hi zweistein,
ich habe als kohleaktie noch die western mining im depot, wobei meine gedanken aber dahin gehen, dass die hausse bald erstmal vorbei sein könnte
alternativ könnte man auch mal nach chinesischen kohleaktien schauen, die brauchen ja wohl das zeug am dringensten.

Der ideale Bürger: händefalten, köpfchensenken und immer an Frau Merkel denken
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Alt 03-01-2005, 09:52   #6
TBB Starmember
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mhhmm hab ich mir auch schon gedacht, nur sind
meine kenntnisse von chin. kohleaktien nicht die besten ....
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Alt 03-01-2005, 10:24   #7
letzter welterklärer
Benutzerbild von simplify
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Ort: Chancenburg, Kreis Aufschwung
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ganz interessant ist die Yanzhou Coal, eine chinesische kohlegesellschaft die im osten des landes tätig ist, also nahe den grossen industriezentren.
das unternehmen baut auch die eigene logistik stark aus, durch den bau von eisenbahnlinien und häfen.
es wird derzeit auch der aufbau der produktion von methanol vorrangetrieben.
Yanzhou Coal hat sich auch an kohleförderstätten in australien beteiligt.

wie man am chart sieht, ist es jetzt zu einer ersten konsolidierung des kurses gekommen. hier spiegeln sich die dämpfenden massnahmen der chinesischen regierung wohl auch wider.
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Der ideale Bürger: händefalten, köpfchensenken und immer an Frau Merkel denken
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Alt 14-02-2005, 12:03   #8
TBB Family
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WKN: 913124
News: http://www.finanznachrichten.de/nach...oal-mining.asp
10d, Börse Frankfurt:

6 Monate, Börse Frankfurt:

1 Jahr, Börse Frankfurt:

Langfrist, Börse Frankfurt:

Hong Kong:
5 Jahre:

3 Jahre:

1 Jahr:

6 Monate:

DJ MARKET TALK: Yanzhou Coal +7%; More Upside - Analyst Apr 26, 2005 11:19

Yanzhou Coal (1171.HK [News / Quote]) +7% at HK$10.70 after FY04 net profit more than doubled, in line with consensus estimates. FY05 earnings growth likely to be more pedestrian 14% as mines working at full capacity and higher costs offsetting rising coal prices, says analyst. But stock price could get new kicker from mine acquisition deals which will raise capacity and earnings potential, says analyst, who has target price of HK$12.70 .
DJ MARKET TALK: Citigroup Downgrades Yanzhou Coal To Sell Jun 13, 2005 11:26
Yanzhou Coal (1171.HK [News / Quote]) down 0.8% at HK$6.15 after Citigroup Smith Barney downgrades stock to sell from buy due to uncertainties over next 12 months. 'We believe the commodity market is more at risk of a China slowdown.' Cuts target price to HK$4.60 from HK$8.16. Stock has fallen over 9% since start of year. (JFN)
KGI Rates Yanzhou Coal Mining As Neutral

Monday, June 06, 2005 4:09:21 AM ET
Dow Jones Newswires

Although coal prices likely to peak in 2005 and slowly decline in 2006, production from Yanzhou Coal Mining's (1171.HK) new mines will offset coal price slump, says KGI. Initiates coverage with neutral call; based on DCF model, says 12-month target price is HK$7 , on FY05 P/E of 9X and P/B of 1.7X. Stock +3.3% at HK$6.30.(SMG)
DJ MARKET TALK: Yanzhou Coal Testing L/T Chart Support
Aug 24, 2005

1056 [Dow Jones]TECHNICAL ANALYSIS: Yanzhou Coal Mining (1171.HK [News / Quote]), flat at HK$5.90, again testing major long-term support at HK$5.875 , from which it bounced in September/October 2004 and June this year; support is strong but double top formed by July and August peaks, bearish crossover by weekly stochastics and overall market's weak short-term tone say there's good chance of support breaking. This would be short- and possibly medium-term bearish; there would be no clear support until August 2004 low of HK$4.69 , which could be reached within weeks or months. Immediate, minor underlying resistance at HK$6.15; downtrend line from March this year, at HK$6.80 and falling about half a cent/day, would need to break to suggest medium-term downward pressure ended.

Goldman keeps Yanzhou (1171) '05 pft est $3.7B

Goldman Sachs said that Yanzhou Coal Mining's (1171) interim earnings of RMB1.884 billion is below its forecast of RMB1.97 billion due to a higher production cost of RMB143 per tonne (compared to RMB128 per tonne forecast by Goldman).

However, Goldman maintains its full-year forecast as it expects stronger-than-expected realized export prices in the second half of 2005 as well as better product mix to absorb the negative impact from cost overruns.

The brokerage firm maintains its estimates on the net profits of Yanzhou Coal for 2005 to 2007: $3.709 billion for 2005, $2.955 billion for 2006 and $2.517 billion for 2007.

At $6.25, Yanzhou Coal seems relatively inexpensive as it is trading at a mid-cycle level of 8.3x 2005 price/earnings and is at a discount to the H-Share market at 10.3x, said Goldman, giving a target price of $7 to the stock.

Geändert von Benjamin (14-10-2007 um 13:49 Uhr)
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Alt 19-09-2005, 16:46   #9
TBB Family
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ICF Consulting Forecasts that U.S. Natural Gas and Coal Prices Will Fall, but SO(2) Allowance Prices Will Rise

U.S. Emission and Fuel Markets Outlook Provides Fundamentals View to Guide Energy Producers and Users through Volatile Markets

FAIRFAX, Va., Sept. 19 /PRNewswire/ --

Coal and natural gas spot prices
will fall from their recent record levels over the next several years.
sulfur dioxide (SO(2)) allowance prices are more likely to decline in the near
term -- they will eventually escalate to more than double their current price
-- according to a new study released by ICF Consulting. ICF Consulting's U.S.
Emission and Fuel Markets Outlook 2005 provides a comprehensive, integrated
view to enable energy market participants to capitalize on opportunities and
help mitigate risks. ICF Consulting, one of the nation's leading energy and
environmental analysis firms, has been accurately forecasting allowance market
trends since the 1980s.
The recent unprecedented price increases for natural gas, oil, and coal
have brought into question long held core energy market views. In this
rudderless market, prices for many energy commodities have risen above values
supported by market fundamentals.
In coal markets, the elevated price of natural gas and oil, low coal
stockpiles at utilities, and production and transportation problems have
created a volatile market situation in which coal prices have risen well above
production costs. "Our analysis indicates that as new coal mines come on-line
and supply increases, coal prices will fall ," says John Blaney, a Senior Vice
President at ICF Consulting. In natural gas markets, electric power will be
the key demand driver. In the long-term, prices above $6/MMBtu would price
natural gas out of the new generation market in many regions.
On the supply side, domestic gas supply will remain tight, as more
production comes from unconventional sources (coal bed methane, deep water),
which are remote and cost more to produce than conventional resources. "The
key incremental supply will be liquefied natural gas (LNG), linking the U.S.
gas market to world gas markets. Over time, LNG prices will be set by oil
prices," says Leonard Crook, a Vice President at ICF Consulting.
ICF Consulting's analysis indicates that 2005 SO(2) allowance prices are
currently overvalued by approximately 40 percent. "Allowance prices will
likely decline in the near- to mid-term," says Chris MacCracken, an ICF
Consulting Project Manager. While near-term SO(2) allowance prices are too
high, forward prices are too low. "Given that the Clean Air Interstate Rule
(CAIR) will cut the total limit on SO(2) emissions by 50 percent in 2010 and
by 70 percent in 2015 in the CAIR-affected states, the SO(2) allowance price
decline in the current forward curve is unlikely to occur," says Mr.
"Our study illustrates that the rapid depletion of the SO(2) allowance
bank since the beginning of Phase II in 2000 will be reversed," says Mr.
For more information, visit http://www.icfconsulting.com/emissions.

ICF Consulting (http://www.icfconsulting.com) is a leading management,
technology, and policy consulting firm. Drawing upon extensive industry
knowledge, distinguished professionals, and innovative analytics, the firm
develops solutions to complex defense, homeland security, energy, environment,
social program, and transportation issues. ICF Consulting's approach to these
issues is strengthened by its expertise in information technology,
organizational improvement, program management, and communications. Since
1969, ICF Consulting has been serving major corporations, government at all
levels, and multinational institutions. More than 1,200 employees serve these
clients from key business centers in the Americas, Asia, and Europe.

Beste Grüße, Benjamin
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Alt 02-08-2006, 07:54   #10
letzter welterklärer
Benutzerbild von simplify
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Kohle-Aktien bieten großes Aufholpotenzial

Experten sehen deutliche Unterbewertung. Hoher Ölpreis macht Umwandlung in Treibstoff attraktiv



Der ideale Bürger: händefalten, köpfchensenken und immer an Frau Merkel denken
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Alt 30-08-2008, 12:29   #11
TBB Family
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Grande Cache Coal Corporation (GCC or the Company), an Alberta based company, was formed in 2000 for the purpose of reactivating coal mining in the Grande Cache area. In May 2004, GCC became a publicly traded company whose common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, under the symbol "GCE". The Company's experienced team of coal professionals have developed a sustainable, long-term mining operation to produce premium, low volatile, metallurgical coking coal for export to the world steel industry. Coal production from the Grande Cache Mine started in August 2004 and sales commenced in October 2004.

Börse: Toronto

Beste Grüße, Benjamin
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Alt 23-11-2008, 17:23   #12
TBB Family
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World Coal Index TR Open End Zertifikat
NL0000725257 / AA0BWB


Alle 15 im Index enthaltenen Unternehmen müssten zumindest 50% ihrer Umsätze mit Kohle generieren.

Geändert von Benjamin (04-04-2014 um 06:36 Uhr)
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Alt 19-11-2011, 08:33   #13
TBB Family
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Global Coal Basiswert:
Derzeit etwa 100
Ziel etwa 50
Fällt also noch etwa um die Hälfte!


Geändert von Benjamin (10-01-2017 um 10:52 Uhr)
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Alt 19-11-2011, 09:02   #14
TBB Family
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Yanzhou Coal Mining Co. Ltd. , WKN: 913195, Börse: NYSE, nur als Aktie erhältlich

Beste Grüße, Benjamin
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Alt 19-11-2011, 09:49   #15
TBB Family
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China Coal Energy Co. Ltd., WKN: A0M4ZT, Börse: Frankfurt
The China Coal Energy Company Limited (SEHK: 1898),(SSE: 601898), (short form: China Coal or China Coal Energy) is the second largest coal mining state-owned enterprise in Mainland China.

Im Moment ist Vorsicht geboten - das Teil könnte gut fallen wg. Indikatoren!
ABER: Seit Anfang Oktober könnte sich auch ein Impuls entwickeln. Aber den sollte man sich erst einmal bestätigen lassen - zur Korrektur dürften wir dann später heutige Kurse wiedersehen, man verpaßt also wohl nichts.
Beste Grüße, Benjamin

Geändert von Benjamin (19-11-2011 um 10:02 Uhr)
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