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Alt 15-07-2006, 13:31   #40
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Iran Shrugs Off Security Council Referral Threat


TEHRAN (AP)--President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Thursday shrugged off the decision to refer Iran's nuclear program to the U.N. Security Council, saying his country would never abandon its plans for the peaceful exploitation of atomic power.

"The people of Iran will not give up their right of exploiting peaceful nuclear technology.
They are not intimated by the arrogant uproar and propaganda today," state television quoted Ahmadinejad as saying.

Speaking in the northwestern town of Mineh, Ahmadinejad said Iran would continue negotiations within the current international framework over the direction of its nuclear program.

"But that doesn't mean blind obedience to the West," he said.

Ahmadinejad said Iran still plans to respond in late August an offer of incentives by the U.S. and four European Union member states.

"We are interested in seeing this issue resolved peacefully. But if they (the West) create tension, then the outcome would affect the Europeans. The tension would primarily harm them," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying.

He said Iran might revise its nuclear policy, but he didn't elaborate.

Later in the neighboring town of Sarab, Ahmadinejad said resolving the case would take time.

"A several years-old case is not solvable in only a few months. In a nuclear case, two, three, four months is not a remarkable time," he said.

Meanwhile the official Islamic Republic News Agency, IRNA, said in a commentary that the decision by Europe was a contribution to Washington's one- sided approach.

"The decision will not bear any fruit except feeding mistrust and tension... Europe should understand that resorting to threats will complicate the issue, and they will be responsible for any delay in solving Iran's nuclear case," it said.

The foreign ministers of the permanent members of the U.N Security Council plus Germany agreed on the referral in Paris on Wednesday, saying they had given Iran long enough to respond to a package of incentives intended to persuade it to abandon uranium enrichment - a process that can produce material for nuclear bombs or power stations.

Iran's foreign minister also commented on the matter Thursday, after meeting with his South African counterpart, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran follows peace and stability. We advise the other party to avoid any act that causes pessimism, as we do," IRNA quoted Manouchehr Mottaki as saying.

Mottaki said he hoped to have a comprehensive answer on the issue in coming days, but did not elaborate.

The U.S. and some of its allies accuse Iran of using its civilian nuclear program as a cover to build atomic weapons. Tehran has denied the charges, saying its nuclear program is geared merely toward generating electricity.

Although details of the new offer have not been made public, diplomats have said it includes economic incentives and a provision for the U.S. to offer Iran some nuclear technology, lift some sanctions and join direct negotiations.

Die Iraner spielen auf Zeit. Und auf die steigende Angst vor hohen Ölpreisen. Gewinnt die Angst des Westens angesichts eigener schwächer werdenden Konjunktur (2. Halbjahr 2006, 2007 und folgende) dann wird der Westen wohl lernen müssen, mit einem nuklear bewaffneten Iran leben zu müssen.

Dazu gibt es nur eine Alternative: Den Überfall auf den Iran durch die USA (mit einigen Hilfskräften von Aliierten) mit dem Ziel, ihn ins Mittelalter zurückzubomben. Nach dem Motto: "Lieber Augen zu und durch, für eine mehr oder weniger überschaubare Zeit einen sehr starken ökonomischen Schmerz erleiden" als eine permanente Bedrohung des Ölpreises durch einen unantastbaren und unberechenbaren Iran."

respond in late August
Bis dahin wird auf dem Ölmarkt erhebliche Nervosität herrschen. Das läßt eine Menge Zeit für Preiskapriolen - und Übertreibungen.
Wer da als Kleinanleger mitspielen will, der muss täglich am Ball bleiben - allerdings auch mit der Chance auf erhebliche Gewinne. Denn jeder Depp wird doch nun 1 + 1 zusammenzählen und long gehen - weil es ja so eine einfache Story ist. Das riecht doch schon nach einer bevorstehenden Übertreibung. Ich wette, da gibt es irgendwann einen spitzen Peak im Preis, und anschließend eine rasante Talfahrt. Wenn die im späten US-Handel stattfindet, über Nacht in Asien fortgesetzt wird, dann kann es für einen Anleger in Euroland am Folgetag zu einem bitteren Long-Squeeze kommen, der ihn kalt erwischt - wenn er nicht täglich aufpaßt oder einen Stop-Loss gesetzt hat.

Geändert von Benjamin (15-07-2006 um 13:42 Uhr)
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