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Alt 15-07-2006, 12:47   #798
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ÖL: Das österreichische BIP würde bei einem Ölpreis von 100 Dollar um bis zu 0,75 Prozent sinken

Schneider: "Ab Ölpreis von 100 Dollar droht Rezession"


Gleiche Quelle + Datum, anderer Artikel:

.... Die Organisation Erdöl exportierender Länder (Opec) zeigt sich über die neuen Rekordpreise "besorgt". Das Kartell der elf Öl produzierenden Länder werde weiterhin alles unternehmen, "um Ordnung und Stabilität" auf den Märkten zu sichern, sagte ein Opec-Sprecher. Der Preisauftrieb sei ungeachtet der Tatsache erfolgt, dass die Märkte "ausreichend mit Öl versorgt" seien. Das Angebot übertreffe weiterhin den Bedarf, und die Ölvorräte in den OECD-Industriestaaten hätten den höchsten Stand seit fünf Jahren erreicht.

The world's oil suppliers have lost their ability to control the market, the U.S. energy secretary said Friday in Calgary.

The world's producers are unable to turn the spigot and increase supplies, and therefore are unable to control oil prices, said Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman.

"They have ceded control to the traders," Bodman told reporters in Calgary. "The prices for crude oil are now set in New York and London and Tokyo, Singapore and other trading hubs around the world.

"I'm not going to say we're going to $100 a barrel right away, but neither am I going to rule it out," said Peter Beutel, president of Cameron Hanover, an energy consultancy in New Canaan, Connecticut. "If events drag Iran into the situation and it deteriorates to the point that they want to block the Strait of Hormuz, and we get a hurricane, yes, we will see $100."

...the Middle East, the source of 30 percent of the world's oil.

Iran has about 12 percent of the world's oil reserves. Almost a quarter of the world's oil is shipped through the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow waterway between Iran and Oman at the mouth of the Gulf.

"Certainly if the Syrians or the Iranians were to somehow get involved in this fracas, things could get really ugly really fast in terms of a commodity pricing standpoint," said Ted Harper of Frost National Bank in Houston. "Given the geopolitical tensions, the wrong kind of event could easily move oil above $100."

Heat lifts natural gas prices

Temperatures were predicted to soar across the United States, lifting demand for fuel to produce electricity to power people's air conditioners.

In late New York Mercantile Exchange trading, natural gas for August delivery rose 28.1 cents to $6.41 per million British thermal units.
Der Greenback profitiere von den weiter auf Rekordkurs befindlichen Rohölnotierungen, hieß es am Markt.

Wer Long geht, der muss seine Position eng absichern, da ein - wie auch immer erreichtes - Ende der Kämpfe eine rasante Talfahrt der Preise auslösen dürfte. Zumindest vorübergehend.

Geändert von Benjamin (15-07-2006 um 13:05 Uhr)
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