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Alt 05-04-2020, 07:48   #23
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Investor who called coronavirus collapse: Stocks aren't even close to a bottom

hedge fund founder Dan Niles (@DanielTNiles)

But speaking to Yahoo Finance Wednesday, Niles warned that the brief respite from selling to end March was more likely due to pension fund rebalancing than it was due to a true, bonafide bottom and he projected up to another potential 30% drop from March’s end point.

“If you go back and look at history, there are nine times that the market has sold off about 30% or so since the 1920s, so it’s pretty normal,” he said. “You get one of these every 10 years or so and if you look at every one of them, you always get these bear market rallies.”

Pointing to the most salient example in the Great Depression, Niles highlights the average gain over those so-called bear market rallies totaled 24%, compared to the drops that averaged 33% on what ended up being an eventual 86% top-to-bottom collapse.
the $2 trillion stimulus bill and Fed actions propelled the S&P 500 to bounce 18% off its low. On top of that, Niles points out that the historical rebalancing for pension funds that takes place at the end of a quarter may have also attributed to a false rally.

Looking at the nine times in the past 30 years when the S&P 500 has diverged from bond market performance by more than 10%, in the final five trading days of the quarter the S&P 500 has historically rallied to return 6.8%, Niles says. That aligns nearly perfectly with the S&P 500’s 7.3% rally through Wednesday’s open. However, once that rebalancing takes place, history shows in the ensuing five trading days of the following quarter, stocks historically have retreated by an average of 1.1%, advancing less than 25% of the time. By falling nearly 4.5% in its first day of second-quarter trading Wednesday, the S&P 500 is pacing to repeat that history as well.
...Niles’ doubt that the worst is over is also extended by the fact that valuations have not yet retreated to even normal historical averages, despite how far stocks have already tumbled. For that, Niles prefers looking at a ratio of the entire stock market capitalization-to-GDP. That ratio peaked at 1.5 when the market hit all-time highs in February (even topping the tech bubble’s 1.4 reading.) Now, the same ratio has fallen to 1.1, but it is still much higher than the average since 1970 of 0.8, and still well above the financial crisis bottom of 0.6.

“Just to get to average, you would have to have the market go down 30%,”
Niles said, noting that the ratio’s denominator hasn’t even yet been adjusted to reflect the expected decline in GDP, which some economists project falling by as much as 20% in the second quarter. “It is very easy to figure out the market probably goes down 30% before we’re even near fair valuation.”
Zack Guzman, Senior Writer, Yahoo Finance, April 2, 2020:


Freitag, 03.04.2020 - 18:56 Uhr – Kommentar
Hedgefonds-Manager warnt: Markt dürfte noch um 30 % fallen
Dan Niles hat seine Anleger rechtzeitig vor dem Coronavirus-Crash gewarnt und das erste Quartal mit einem Gewinn abgeschlossen. Jetzt sagt der Hedgefondsmanager: Der Markt dürfte um weitere 30 Prozent fallen.
Während der Weltwirtschaftskrise hätten Anleger innerhalb von 33 Monaten insgesamt 86 Prozent ihres Geldes verloren. Zwischendurch habe es aber acht Bärenmarkt-Rallys gegeben, in denen es durchschnittlich um 24 Prozent nach oben ging. "Also haben diese Rallyes immer wieder Investoren hineingezogen, in dem Sinne, dass Sie dachten, es sei vorbei und dann wurden Sie wieder erwischt." Die Weltwirtschaftskrise entspreche wohl am ehesten der heutigen Situation, so Niles.
Mit Blick auf die Bewertung müsse der Aktienmarkt noch um rund 30 Prozent fallen, nur um eine durchschnittliche Bewertung zu erreichen, sagte Niles mit Blick auf das Verhältnis aus Marktkapitalisierung des Aktienmarktes und US-Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP). Sofern der BIP einbreche, müsse der Markt sogar noch stärker fallen, um eine durchschnittliche Bewertung zu erreichen.
Ein anderer Bewertungsmaßstab führt zu einer ähnlichen Schlussfolgerung. Auch nach dem sogenannten Shiller-KGV von Nobelpreisträger Robert Shiller ist der Markt derzeit noch überbewertet. Das Shiller-KGV erlaubt eine grobe Abschätzung, wie teuer Aktien fundamental in Bezug auf die Gewinnkraft der Unternehmen sind.
wird beim Shiller-KGV der Kurs ins Verhältnis zu den inflationsbereinigten Unternehmensgewinnen auf Sicht der vergangenen 10 Jahre gesetzt.
Derzeit liegt das Shiller-KGV bei 23,2. Um ein durchschnittliches Niveau von rund 17 zu erreichen, müsste der S&P 500 noch um fast 27 Prozent auf ca. 1.827 Punkte fallen.

Quelle: von Oliver Baron
Finanzredakteur und Experte für Anlagestrategien,


He nailed the March coronavirus selloff — now he says there’s another 30% to go before the stock market hits bottom

Published: April 4, 2020 at 8:21 a.m. ET
By Shawn Langlois, https://www.marketwatch.com/story/he...?mod=home-page

Video dazu mit dem Interview: https://video.foxbusiness.com/v/6146...#sp=show-clips

Erwartet die US-Arbeitslosigkeit deutlich über 10%, eher um die 20% herum. siehe https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_c...ature=emb_logo

“Just to get to average, you would have to have the market go down 30%,” he said. “It is very easy to figure out the market probably goes down 30% before we’re even near fair valuation.”
“I sort of laugh when I hear people talking about a V-shaped recovery because we are going to have at least 10% unemployment, my guess is closer to 20% before all of this is said and done,” Niles said. “You are not going to get a fast recovery with that many people out of a job and we’re not just talking in the United States. We are talking all across the globe there are problems that are happening.”

Niles explained that he’s still adding to his short positions, but he’s also going long in areas he believes to be resistant to the next batch of selling. He said he’s adding to his stakes in Activision ATVI, -1.31%, Take-Two Interactive TTWO, -0.85% and Amazon AMZN, -0.63%.
Aktuelle Charts dazu, alles in €:

Amazon WKN: 906866
ACTIVISION BLIZZARD, WKN: A0Q4K4, US- Computer- und Videospiele-Konzern
Take-Two Interactive Softw., WKN: 914508, US-Entwickler, Publisher und Distributor von Computerspielen

Im Interview auch von ihm genannt:
RingCentral (Aktie), WKN: A1W58K ISIN: US76680R2067
(a publicly traded provider of cloud-based communications and collaboration solutions for businesses, siehe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RingCentral )
Chart in $ von der NYSE:


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