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Alt 02-05-2010, 16:45   #1
TBB Family
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Ölpest im Golf von Mexiko

Die Ölpest im Golf von Mexiko:

5000 barrels per day treten im Golf aus
3 Monate lang Zeitdauer des Ölaustritts
30 Tage/Monat
450000 barrels per 3 months an ausgetretenem Öl im Golf (Gesamtmenge)

Zum Vergleich:
The Deepwater Horizon incident has drawn comparisons to the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, which led to the release of about 260,000 barrels of crude into Alaska's Prince William Sound. Exxon paid a total of about USD 3.5 billion for the Valdez clean up, as well as for compensation, fines and settlements.

260000 barrels Öl beim Exxon Valdez oil spill
3,5 Mrd. $ mußten beim Valdez-Spill gezahlt werden

1,73-fach größer (hinsichtlich der Menge an ausgetretenem ÖL dürfte der Golf-Spill werden als es der Valdez oil spill war.

6,06 Mrd. $ würden demnach beim Golf Spill zu zahlen sein, falls die Ölmenge das Maß aller Dinge wäre.

The company BP is spending about USD 6 million per day on the clean up but those costs are expected to escalate with the oil making landfall. Analyst estimates of BP's total costs stemming from the disaster range from around USD 2.5 billion to USD 8 billion.
Mr Neil McMahon an oil analyst at Bernstein Research estimated the potential cost to Louisiana's fishing industry at USD 2.5 billion and to Florida's tourism sector of USD 3 billion. He said that BP might be liable for USD 8 billion in total.
The Louisiana spill could be worse. The well is leaking at a rate of 5000 barrels per day and it could take up to three months to drill a relief well that would shut off the flow, meaning the size of the spill could end up exceeding that of the Valdez. But a potentially reassuring factor for BP is that the USD 2.5 billion in punitive damages initially slapped on Exxon were later reduced by the US Supreme Court to around USD 500 million.

Basisdaten aus u.g. Link, Berechnungen von mir.
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