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Alt 01-12-2004, 12:24   #61
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Merck & Co. wird erneut verklagt


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Alt 01-12-2004, 22:20   #62
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Re: Vioxx Recall Dogs Merck

Original geschrieben von Tester32 am 05.11.2004
Mich würde sehr interessieren:
1. ob die Fondsmanager nur so naiv sind, oder
2. ob der Wert gezielt leerverkauft wird.
Heute haben wir die Antwort auf diese Frage bekommen:

Vioxx Critic Defends Self
Matthew Herper, 12.01.04, 4:00 PM ET

NEW YORK - Eric Topol, chairman of cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic, was one of the leading voices challenging the safety of the arthritis drug Vioxx, which was eventually pulled from the market. That is why the news that he was acting as a consultant to a hedge fund that sold Merck short--essentially betting shares would fall--came as a shock.

Today, Topol explained his involvement with the investment fund via a prepared statement and an email.

Topol's first published criticisms of Vioxx occurred in the Journal of the American Medical Association in August 2001. He says he became an advisor for the investment fund, Great Point Partners, two years later in August 2003. The news was first reported by Fortune magazine.

In today's statement, Topol says that he was retained by Great Point Partners for a fee of $12,000 per year. However, he says, he never discussed Merck (nyse: MRK - news - people ) nor Vioxx with the fund, and had no knowledge that it was shorting Merck. Nor did he invest in the fund. Moreover, he says he has not seen marketing material referenced by Fortune that implied that he had helped the fund "get the jump" on its investing strategies--perhaps including Vioxx, and that he quit as soon as he heard about the potential conflict, on Oct. 28.

At that time, Topol says, he immediately resigned as an advisor to Great Point Partners because of concern about the appearance of a conflict of interest, and because the innuendo that he had ever been an investor in the fund "was completely unacceptable to me."

He also says in his statement that other leading medical authorities were on the advisory board to Great Point Partners. They are: Dr. Aram Chobanian, Dean of Boston University School of Medicine, Dr. Prakash Gill, Professor at USC, Dr. Donald Kufe, Professor at Harvard, and Dr. Daniel Von Hoff, Professor at Arizona Cancer Center.

"I am deeply distressed that my credibility is being challenged because I have been a vocal critic of a drug that threatened the lives of countless patients," writes Topol.

Topol notes that he's published academic papers on financial conflicts of interest in medicine. Topol also served at one point on the scientific advisory board of Forbes Medi-Tech (nasdaq: FMTI - news - people ), as Fortune pointed out.

That said, issues relating to the tangled web of relationships between medical academics and the financial and corporate world are coming to increasing prominence. Earlier this year, new cholesterol guidelines were challenged by some groups because most of the doctors who wrote them had relationships with drug companies.

Also this year, Bryan Brewer, a well-regarded expert in the study of cholesterol at the National Institutes of Health, was challenged by patient group Public Citizen regarding his relationship with AstraZeneca (nyse: AZN - news - people ), which makes the cholesterol drug Crestor.

Steven Nissen, a colleague of Topol's at The Cleveland Clinic and the co-author of the 2001 Vioxx paper, is the current head of Forbes Medi-Tech's scientific advisory board. He has the policy of telling companies to donate all the money they might pay him directly to a charity that funds heart health programs for employees of the American College of Cardiology.
Quelle: Forbes.com

An der Börse wird also nach wie vor das alte Spiel gespielt, daß nur die Outsider nicht verstehen. Ich mag die Hedgies. Sie helfen, Ungleichgewichte schneller zu beseitigen und sorgen für ein oder anderes Schnäppchen. Merck ist übrigens immer noch durchaus günstig und zahlt denjenigen, die die Aktie heute hatten, die Dividende von 38 Cents/Aktie.

@Alle: stellen die deutsche Banken für Dividenden der US-Aktien bei der IRS automatisch einen Antrag auf eine Befreiung von der Backup Witholding Tax oder muß ich mich darüber selber kümmern? Glaube zwar nicht, daß mir jemand diese Frage hier im Board beantworten kann, werde sie aber stellen, damit mrbomb mir später nicht widersprechen kann, wenn ich der Meinung bin, daß es sich nicht lohnt, hier im Board Fragen zu stellen.
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Alt 02-12-2004, 20:33   #63
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DowJones: MERCK - Kurserholung läuft, aber...

MERCK (MRK) : 28,52$ (+2,89%)

Tageschart (log) seit Januar 2004 (1 Kerze = 1 Tag)

Diagnose: MERCK brach Mitte 2004 aus einem symmetrischen Dreieck trendbestätigend nach unten aus. Nach negativen News erfolgt hier im September ein massiver Abverkauf der bis auf 25,60$ fortgesetzt wurde. Der langfristige Support bei 28,25$ sowie die ebenfalls dort liegende Unterkante des langfristigen Abwärtstrendkanals wurden nach unten durchbrochen. Eine Erholung an diesen Kreuzwiderstand läuft derzeit. Weiteren Widerstand bildet der Bereich 30,65 sowie 33,78$, eine langfristige Unterstützung findet sich noch bei 19,00$.

Prognose: Eine Bodenbildung ist bei MRK nicht erfolgt und bleibt abzuwarten. Mittelfristig ist die Aktie klar überverkauft, der bisherige Anstieg erfolgt aber in der Form einer kurzfristigen Bearflag. Scheitert die Aktie daran am Kreuzwiderstand bei 28,25$ drohen hier mittelfristig weiter fallende Notierungen bis zunächst 25,60$. Erholungspotential bis 33,77$ würde sich bei Rückeroberung der 28,25$ auf Wochenschlussbasis eröffnen.

Quelle: Godmodetrader
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Alt 02-12-2004, 21:09   #64
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Original geschrieben von Godmodetrader
Prognose: Scheitert die Aktie daran am Kreuzwiderstand bei 28,25$ drohen hier mittelfristig weiter fallende Notierungen bis zunächst 25,60$. Erholungspotential bis 33,77$ würde sich bei Rückeroberung der 28,25$ auf Wochenschlussbasis eröffnen.
Na ja, das mit den 25 glaube ich nicht. Wenn überall Artikelüberschriften mit von Hedge-Fonds bezahlten Kardio-Spezialisten stehen, dann dürfte es auch den Anlegern dämmern, die Artikelinhalte nicht lesen, daß man sie übers Ohr gehauen hat. Ob der Kurs allerdings über 33 hinaus schießen wird, ist auch fraglich, denn dort war er bereits vor den manipulativen WallStreet-Artikeln mit Hilfe von (eigentlich auch verdächtigen) Medizinartikeln und der Angst vor Klagen angekommen. Eine Heilung von den lustigen "Professorenmeinungen" nimmt den Anlegern aber noch keine Angst vor Klagen und vor dem Jahreswechsel müssen auch noch die Aktienfondsmanager ihre Schaufenster stylen (Window Dressing). So glaube ich nicht an eine wesentliche Überschreitung der 33$-Grenze in diesem Jahr.

Es bleibt natürlich noch die Pipline, die Sorgen und den langfristigen Abwärtstrend ausgelöst hat, aber ich bin kein ANALyst, um ihre Entwicklung und die Umsätze der neuen Produkte vorherzusagen.
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Alt 07-12-2004, 13:55   #65
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On The Firing Line At Embattled Merck

With claims against Vioxx mounting, Ken Frazier is in for the fight of his career

Merck & Co. (MRK ) general counsel Kenneth C. Frazier isn't scared off by tough odds. In 1991, when he was a partner at Philadelphia law firm Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, Frazier and two colleagues took on the case of James Willie "Bo" Cochran, an Alabama man on death row for allegedly committing a 1976 murder. Frazier believed Cochran hadn't received a fair trial because African Americans were underrepresented on the juries that heard his case. Frazier and his team, working on a pro bono basis, won a new trial for Cochran, who was acquitted in 1997. "I thought: 'I finally got somebody who will help me,"' says Cochran of his first meeting with the aggressive Frazier and his colleagues.

As much of an uphill battle as Cochran's case proved to be, it was nothing compared to the challenge Frazier faces now. The 49-year-old lawyer will lead Merck's defense against a mounting avalanche of lawsuits surrounding its painkiller Vioxx. Merck yanked the drug off the market in September after a company study confirmed it raised the risk of heart attack and stroke. If Frazier has a soft spot for the underdog, he certainly has a doozy on his hands now. "This will be the most significant challenge I've ever faced," Frazier says, adding that he's confident in the legal team he leads.

Concerns about Vioxx surfaced in 2000, when a study showed the risk of heart attack was higher in patients taking the drug than in those who took an older painkiller called naproxen. Merck scientists argued that the difference was that naproxen protected the heart, not that Vioxx harmed it. Yet Merck had an unpublished study showing an increased risk of cardiovascular problems with Vioxx -- proof, critics say, that the company was downplaying the risks. Merck says regulators had data on that study, which Frazier contends were not statistically significant. Still, Merck continued to market Vioxx aggressively to consumers, racking up $2.5 billion in sales in 2003.

Now, Merck's future is in question. The bill for settling Vioxx lawsuits could run as high as $18 billion, Merrill Lynch & Co. (MER ) estimates. And if a Justice Dept. investigation finds criminal wrongdoing, the cost could be even higher. Merck's stock has plunged 38%, to $28, since September. And corporate governance experts slammed Merck's board for its recent approval of golden parachutes for the top 230 managers, including Frazier. The lawyer's ability to lessen the damage from Vioxx will help determine whether Merck is left with enough capital to regain its status as an innovative drugmaker or if it will be nothing more than an also-ran waiting to be snapped up by a stronger player.

Frazier has an ambitious plan for fighting the coming wave of claims. He says Merck will vigorously argue that the recent study only showed an increased risk of cardiovascular problems after 18 months of continuous Vioxx use. Furthermore, he says, many taking the drug may have had other risk factors for heart attack or stroke, including obesity or smoking habits. "They are going to have to produce [medical evidence] to exclude those other potential causative factors," Frazier insists. "And I don't think that is easy to do."

Frazier will also fight to prevent the cases from being consolidated in a class action -- preferring instead to take each one on separately. Legal experts say he's probably betting the company can settle the most troubling cases first and then bring a few cases to trial that it has a good shot at winning. If it does indeed win them, that might discourage other lawyers from going ahead with their claims.

Merck's approach is fraught with peril, though. Some attorneys say juries might scoff at its argument that it's not responsible for heart damage in people who had other risk factors. In addition, Dr. Eric J. Topol, chairman of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic and a longtime Vioxx critic, calls Merck's argument that the increased cardiac risk only surfaces after 18 months on Vioxx "indefensible." He points out that the trial comparing Vioxx to naproxen showed a difference in heart attack rates starting after just one month of use. If any early cases go against Merck, trial lawyers will be emboldened to drive the cost of settling future cases through the roof.

Although he has kept a low profile, Frazier is no stranger to high-profile cases. During his 14 years as a litigator and then partner at Drinker Biddle & Reath, he represented companies such as AlliedSignal and Lorillard Tobacco Co. (CG ) in asbestos claims. He also handled a number of cases for Merck. One of the toughest was brought by the family of a girl who developed a fatal neurological disease after being injected with Merck's vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella. Frazier won the case by arguing that Merck had contracted to provide the vaccine to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, which in turn was responsible for warning the public about its risks. Frazier's success in such cases prompted Merck to hire him as general counsel at its Astra Merck joint venture in 1992. He joined Merck in 1994.

Frazier's rise to the upper ranks at Merck belies his unassuming roots. His father, the son of a sharecropper, moved to Philadelphia as a teen with the equivalent of a third-grade education. Frazier's mother died when he was 12, leaving his dad to raise three children alone in a rough North Philadelphia neighborhood on a modest salary from United Parcel Service (UPS ), where he worked as a janitor. Frazier's father set lofty goals for his children, insisting they study hard and strive for excellence. "His view of what was possible was unconstrained by the circumstances we lived in," says Frazier, who once raised pocket money during college by catching newts and tadpoles and selling them to a local aquarium store. "We were raised to think we could do anything."

Throughout the Vioxx battle, Frazier will rely on his trademark intensity and relentlessness. Colleagues describe him as a high-energy manager who has a tough time sitting still. Shortly after he joined Astra Merck, Frazier felt meetings lasted too long. When his supervisor noted that Frazier seemed fidgety in the meetings, Frazier suggested they get rid of the chairs in the conference room to speed the meetings along. The demanding lawyer has a fun-loving streak, too -- he often trolls the halls to chat with his colleagues about sports. And in his spare time, Frazier, who is married with two children, volunteers for organizations that serve the underprivileged. In the late 1990s he helped run the Cornerstone Christian Academy, an inner-city Philadelphia school that was racked with financial trouble and staff turnover. "Kenny was instrumental in saving the school," says Drinker Chairman and Cornerstone co-founder Jim Sweet.

Some who have worked with Frazier speculate the lawyer will eventually abandon corporate life to devote himself to his favorite social causes. Frazier says he wouldn't dream of leaving anytime soon. "I'm committed to seeing this through," he says of the Vioxx cases. How he handles the Vioxx morass will surely determine how long Merck remains on the critical list.

Quelle: Bussinessweek
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Alt 08-12-2004, 14:45   #66
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Merck Cuts Outlook for 2005

Associated Press
Merck Cuts Outlook for 2005
Wednesday December 8, 9:05 am ET
Merck Puts Earnings Outlook for 2005 Below Analysts' Estimates Due to Vioxx Withdrawal

WHITEHOUSE STATION, N.J. (AP) -- Merck & Co. Inc. said Wednesday it expects the withdrawal of its Vioxx painkiller from the market to reduce full-year earnings by 50 cents to 55 cents a share.

The company said it now expects full-year earnings to be in the range of $2.59 to $2.64 per share, reflecting the Vioxx impact, and estimates fourth-quarter net income at 48 cents to 53 cents per share. The company said the Vioxx withdrawal will result in a reduction to sales of $700 milllion to $750 million.

The drug maker also lowered its guidance for 2005, saying it expects earnings in the range of $2.42 to $2.52 per share, below the current analysts' estimate of $2.56 per share.

The earnings guidance does not "reflect the establishment of reserves for any potential liability for settlements relating to the Vioxx lawsuits," the company said.

Analysts surveyed by Thomson First Call currently expect Merck to report earnings of 50 cents for the 2004 fourth quarter and $2.61 for the year.
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Alt 14-12-2004, 17:18   #67
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Merck: 700 weitere Entlassungen

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Alt 15-12-2004, 21:12   #68
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Merck: Kaufempfehlung

Beliebt sind die Aktien von Merck an der Wall Street derzeit nicht wirklich. Und doch wagt sich ein Analyst des Brokerhauses Raymond James auf’s dünne Eis. Investoren sollen die Aktie aggressiv kaufen, rät der Analyst. Was die potentiellen Klagen im Zusammenhang mit dem vom Markt genommenen Schmerzmittel Vioxx betrifft, seien die Bedenken überzogen.

Bei einer Dividendenrendite von aktuell 5,1 Prozent werde die Aktie quasi wie eine Wandelanleihe gehandelt. Sollten neue Medikamente zugelassen werden, dürfte die Aktie durchstarten. Wer keine starken Nerven hat, sollte dem Titel fern bleiben. Bei der Credit Suisse landet die Aktie erneut auf der Verkaufsliste. Wegen des nachlassenden Ertragsumfelds, sollten Investoren bei Kursstärke verkaufen.

WSC - © Wall Street Correspondents Inc.
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Alt 16-12-2004, 15:54   #69
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MERCK - Gegenbewegung gewinnt an Dynamik

Wochenchart (log) seit Februar 2002 (1 Kerze = 1 Woche)

Kurz-Kommentierung: MERCK wurde nach dem Bruch des Supports bei 42,85$ in den Vormonaten massiv abverkauft und fiel dabei auch aus dem langfristigen Abwärtstrendkanals bei derzeit 28,25$ heraus. Bei 25,60$ konnte die aktie ein Tief markieren und sich seitdem deutlicher erholen. Mit der Rückeroberung des Abwärtstrendkanals nähert sich der Kurs jetzt einem ersten Erholungs-Ziel bei 30,65$. Das Gap der Vorwochen wird dabei nahezu nach oben geschlossen. Kurzfristig besteht bei 30,65$ die Gefahr eines weiteren Rücksetzers in den Bereich 28,25$. Kann Merck diesen Widerstand aber direkt nach oben durchbrechen ist nach dem massiven Kurseinbruch eine Fortsetzung der Erholung bis 33,77$ möglich. Eine Bodenbildung ist hier bisher mittelfristig nicht erfolgt.

Quelle: Godmode Trader

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Alt 16-12-2004, 16:48   #70
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Original geschrieben von Godmode Trader
Mit der Rückeroberung des Abwärtstrendkanals nähert sich der Kurs jetzt einem ersten Erholungs-Ziel bei 30,65$. Das Gap der Vorwochen wird dabei nahezu nach oben geschlossen. Kurzfristig besteht bei 30,65$ die Gefahr eines weiteren Rücksetzers in den Bereich 28,25$.
O, der Kurs steht gerade bei 31,11$ wohl etwas über den 30,65$.

Frage: was sind und die charttechnischen Erkenntnisse wert, wenn sich keiner danach hält?

Antwort: nichts!


stell die ANALysen von Godmode Trader zu Merck bitte trotzdem rein, ich bin neugierig, wie oft sie noch falsch liegen und wann sie der Chart wieder "fängt" und zur Charttechnik passen wird.
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Alt 03-01-2005, 14:38   #71
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Merck: Vioxx belastet Aktie

Das Management von Merck dürfte in 2005 wenig zu lachen haben. Die Kontroverse um das vom Markt genommene Arthritis-Medikament VIOXX spitzt sich zu. Ein führender Mediziner der US Gesundheitsbehörde mahnt, dass das Schmerzmittel möglicherweise bei bis zu 139.000 Menschen zu gesundheitlichen Schäden geführt hat. Die Anzahl der betroffenen Personen überflügelt die ursprünglichen Schätzungen um nahezu 500 Prozent.

Dr. David Graham plant seine Forschungsergebnisse in dem englischen Medizin-Journal „The Lancelet“ zu veröffentlichen. Grahams Erkenntnisse dürften die Debatte um die Effektivität der amerikanischen Gesundheitsbehörde anheizen. Für Merck nimmt wiederum das Risiko von Schadensersatzklagen zu.

© Wall Street Correspondents Inc

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Alt 25-01-2005, 09:33   #72
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Post Merck begins mid-stage trial of HIV vaccine

Mon Jan 24, 2005 12:22 PM ET

By Ransdell Pierson

NEW YORK, Jan 24 (Reuters) - Merck & Co. (MRK.N: Quote, Profile, Research) on Monday said it has begun a mid-stage trial of a vaccine to determine if it can prevent infection by HIV or treat patients who are already infected with the virus.

Unlike conventional vaccines that coax the body to create antibodies against a target virus, Merck said its vaccine is designed to coax immune system killer cells -- called T-cells -- to attack the virus that causes AIDS.

"Merck's vaccine is especially promising because it has most consistently stimulated activity by 'killer' T-cells," said Dr. Susan Buchbinder, director of HIV research for the San Francisco Department of Public Health, who helped design the new trial.

Merck said the vaccine -- made of synthetic components that cannot cause infection with HIV -- would be administered to people at high risk of infection with HIV, in North America, South America, the Caribbean and Australia.

The trial, expected to last more than four years, aims to determine if the vaccine can prevent infection and/or maintain lower amounts of virus in people who may become infected during the study. Some volunteers will receive the vaccine, while others will receive a placebo.

Researchers cautioned it could take many years or decades for an effective HIV vaccine to emerge, if ever, although Merck's approach is considered to be one of the most promising and farthest along in testing. Other companies developing HIV vaccines include Sanofi-Aventis (SASY.PA: Quote, Profile, Research) and Chiron Corp. (CHIR.O: Quote, Profile, Research) .

Merck's "proof-of-concept" study is being conducted in collaboration with the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, an international collaboration of scientists that is partially funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

"If data generated by the study show that the vaccine candidate provides some protection against HIV, or delays or diminishes the course of HIV infection, this information will guide future research," Merck and the Network group said in a joint release.

The Phase II trial will include 1,500 male and female volunteers ages 18 to 45 of diverse racial groups, all of whom will receive counseling on how to reduce their risk of HIV infection.

The vaccine will consist of three synthetically produced HIV genes -- called gag, pol and nef. They are loaded into a weakened cold virus, the adenovirus, that acts as a delivery vehicle.

The three genes are found in the core of the virus and are believed to be essential to its reproduction. Other HIV vaccines, including one developed by VaxGen Inc. (VXGN.PK: Quote, Profile, Research) that proved ineffective in a large trial, contain synthetic copies of proteins found on the shell of the virus.

Merck and the trials network in 2003 began a smaller Phase I international trial of another HIV vaccine. It also uses the weakened cold virus but delivers only one of the synthetically made genes -- gag.

About 40 million people globally are believed to be infected with HIV and a vaccine is considered the best hope of controlling the growing epidemic now in its third decade.

Although cocktails of drugs can control the virus, many patients develop resistance to the medicines and the drugs are financially out of reach to most people in poor countries -- including those in Africa and Asia -- where the epidemic is taking its greatest toll.

Shares of Merck were down 28 cents at $30.08 in midday trading on the New York Stock Exchange, amid a slight downturn for the drug sector.

© Reuters 2005. All Rights Reserved.

Meine Meinung: Eine Impfung gegen AIDS wäre eine sehr schöne Sache. Wäre (rein menschlich) schade, wenn dieses Mittel nicht alle Phasen der klinischen Studien passieren würde.
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Alt 25-01-2005, 16:03   #73
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Merck & Co. schlägt Umsatzerwartungen

Der Pharmakonzern Merck & Co. hat im vierten Quartal 2004 einen Gewinn von $1,1 Mrd bzw 50 Cents je Aktie erzielt. Im vergleichbaren Vorjahreszeitraum erwirtschaftete das Unternehmen einen Gewinn von $1,4 Mrd bzw 62 Cents. Die Erlöse legten von $5,6 Mrd auf $5,7 Mrd leicht zu. Die von Thomson First Call erhobenen durchschnittlichen Analystenschätzungen liegen bei einem Gewinn von 50 Cents und Erlösen von $5,32 Mrd.

Wie Merck am Dienstag weiter mitteilte, wird für das erste Quartal mit einem Gewinn von 54-58 Cents je Aktie gerechnet. Zugleich bestätigt das Unternehmen den Ausblick für 2005 hinsichtlich eines voraussichtlichen Gewinns von $2,42-$2,52 je Aktie. Hier gingen die Analysten von 56 Cents bzw $2,46 je Aktie aus.

Weiters wurde ein Rekord an neuen Rückstellungen im Ausmaß von $604 Mio aufgrund von möglichen Aufwendungen im Zusammenhang mit der Vioxx-Rücknahme gebildet. Die gesamten Rückstellungen belaufen sich nun auf $675 Mio. Seit dem 31. Dezember wurden aufgrund eines vergangenen Oktober gestarteten Restrukturierungsplans 5.100 Jobs gestrichen.

Quelle: Godmode Trader

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Alt 28-01-2005, 21:54   #74
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Merck & Co: wichtiges Patent wird für ungültig erklärt

Das US-Berufungsgericht hat heute beschlossen, dass das Patent für das bekannte Merck-Osteoporose-Medikament Fosamax in 2008 seine Gültigkeit frühzeitig verlieren wird. Dies berichtet der US-Nachrichtensender CNBC. Der Generika-Medikamentenhersteller Teva Pharmaceuticals hatte zuvor gegen das Patent Mercks geklagt, eine Klage, die zunächst zurückgewiesen wurde. Nachdem sich das Berufungsgericht nun erneut mit dem Fall befasste, wurde das Patent Mercks nun für ungültig erklärt. Ursprünglich lautete die Gültigkeitsdauer des Fosamax-Patents bis auf 2018. Fosamax generierte 2004 einen Erlös von $2 Milliarden in den USA, so IMS Health. Merck kündigte weitere rechtliche Schritte gegen die Entscheidung an. Die Merck Aktie, die heute bereits durch die Einleitung einer formellen Untersuchung durch die US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde unter Druck geraten war, verliert weiter und liegt zuletzt mit 10.46% bei $27.92 im Minus.

Quelle: GodmodeTrader
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Alt 07-02-2005, 12:59   #75
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Wußte Merck schon früher von Vioxx-Risiken ?

Laut dem „Wall Street Journal“ ließen hinsichtlich des von Merck & Co vom Markt genommenden Arthritis-und Schmerzmittels Vioxx frühere externe Sicherheitsüberprüfungen den Schluss zu, dass für Patienten bei Einnahme des Mittels nach vier Monaten die Gefahr von zunehmenden Herzrisiken besteht. Merck hat die vergangenen September vollzogene Rücknahme dahingehend begründet, wonach klinischen Tests auf erhöhte Risiken für Herzinfarkte und Schlaganfälle hinweisen. Merck & Co. sieht sich nun mit einer Vielzahl von Klagen konfrontiert. Mit dem Beginn der Prozesswelle gegen das Unternehmen sei frühestens ab Mai 2005 zu rechnen, hieß es weiter von der Zeitung.

Quelle: GodmodeTrader

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