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Alt 25-09-2002, 21:15   #46
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Resources Connect verfehlt die Erwartungen um 2 Cents (RECN) 12.34 +0.77: Reports Q1 (Aug) earnings of $0.11 per share, $0.02 worse than the Multex consensus of $0.13; revenues fell 11.8% year/year to $43.5 mln vs the $45.1 mln consensus.

Vans toppt die Schätzungen um 5 Cents (VANS) 6.31 +0.11: Reports Q1 (Aug) earnings of $0.30 per share, $0.05 better than the Multex consensus of $0.25; revenues rose 5.5% year/year to $124.6 mln vs the $113.9 mln consensus. Co expects Q2 loss of about $0.20 and sales of $60-$65 mln (consensus is for EPS of $0.01 and $71.8 mln); for the second half of the year, co expects EPS of ($0.10)-$0.10 and sales of $145-$155 mln.

Bed Bath & Beyond um 2 Cents besser als erwartet (BBBY) 33.68 +1.35: Reports Q2 (Aug) earnings of $0.25 per share, $0.02 better than the Multex consensus of $0.23; revenues rose 26.5% year/year to $903.0 mln vs the $886.9 mln consensus; comparable store sales of the Bed Bath & Beyond stores for the fiscal first half increased by approximately 10.4%, compared with an increase of approximately 4.6% in last year's fiscal first half.

Constellation meldet in-line, Umsätze schwächer als erwartet (STZ) 25.52 +1.57: Reports Q2 (Aug) earnings of $0.53 per share, in line with the Multex consensus of $0.53; revenues rose 0.1% year/year to $689.8 mln vs the $717.5 mln consensus. Expects Q3 EPS of $0.67-$0.70 and FY03 EPS of $2.00-$2.04, vs consensus of $0.68 and $2.03

Marriott 'affirms' Q3 guidance (MAR) 28.20 +0.56:

Travelers Property announces $500 mln buyback (TAP.A) 12.60 -0.20:

Bed Bath & Beyond raising FY02 EPS outlook (BBBY) 33.68 +1.65: -- Update -- On call, says it is increasing its FY02 EPS outlook to $0.95 from $0.93 (consensus $0.94)... is projecting Q3 sales growth in the low-20% range and approx. 25% for FY02... notes it is comfortable with Q3 EPS of $0.23 (consensus $0.22) and Q4 EPS of $0.32... BBBY +1.22 at 34.90

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Alt 26-09-2002, 21:12   #47
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Cognos Inc schlägt Erwartungen um 1 Cent (COGN) 16.07 +0.35: Reports Q2 (Aug) earnings of $0.15 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.14; revenues rose 11.0% year/year to $129.1 mln vs the $128.3 mln consensus;

Philip Morris cuts 2002 forecast (MO) 42.73 +1.25: Cuts 2002 earnings guidance to a range of 3-5% growth due to lower than anticipated volume and additional promotional spending; expects Q3 EPS of $1.26, vs consensus of $1.25; believes industry dynamics should improve in 2003, and targets EPS growth of 8-10% for that year.

SBC to cut 11,000 jobs; cuts capex (SBC) 21.90 -0.69:

Manugistics schlägt die Planzahlen um 1 Cent (MANU) 3.85 -0.13: Reports Q2 (Aug) loss of $0.19 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of ($0.20); revenues fell 5.3% year/year to $69.9 mln vs the $71.0 mln consensus.

Cable Design verfehlt die Schätzungen um 4 Cents (CDT) 6.10 +0.15: Reports Q4 (Jul) earnings of $0.05 per share, $0.04 worse than the Multex consensus of $0.09; revenues fell 13.1% year/year to $143.0 mln vs the $144.2 mln consensus.

Solectron trifft die Erwartungen (SLR) 2.19 -0.01: Reports Q4 (Aug) loss of $0.04 per share, in line with the Multex consensus of ($0.04); revenues fell 13.4% year/year to $3.12 bln vs the $2.96 bln consensus; expects Q1 EPS of break-even and sales of $2.8-$3.1 bln, vs consensus of a loss of $0.01 and $3.0 bln.

Liberate Tech trifft ebenfalls die Schätzungen und meldet in-line (LBRT) 1.71 -0.01: Reports Q1 (Aug) loss of $0.16 per share, in line with the Multex consensus of ($0.16); revenues fell 37.6% year/year to $11.4 mln vs the $12.5 mln consensus; sees Q2 pro forma revenues in the range of $15 million to $20 million vs the consensus estimate of $16.8 million.

Rent-A-Center erhöht Gewinnaussichten fürs 3.Quarta l(RCII) 52.01 +1.83: Company issues upside preannouncement for Q3 (Sep); expects Q3 earnings to exceed $1.10 per share vs the Multex consensus estimate of $1.09 per share.

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Alt 30-09-2002, 21:57   #48
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Comcast downgraded by Moody's (CMCSK) 21.71 -0.65: Moody's downgrades CMCSK's long-term senior unsecured debt rating to Ba1 from Baa3

Harmonic lowers Q3 guidance (HLIT) 1.74 -0.10: Co now expects a Q3 pro forma net loss of $0.17-$0.22 and net sales of $37.0-$39.0 mln (consensus is a loss of $0.08 and $50.3 mln), which reflects a more significant than expected slowdown in orders from many of its domestic cable customers.

Pericom Semi guides lower for Q1 (PSEM) 8.62 +0.42: Company warns for Q1 (Sep); sees net loss of about $0.04 per share vs the Multex consensus estimate of $0.00 per share.

Pericom Semi resumes trading (PSEM) 8.62 +0.42: PSEM -1.12 vs the 4 pm ET close to 7.50

Micromuse COO resigns (MUSE) 2.49 -0.11:

Openwave updates guidance for Sept qtr (OPWV) 0.62 -0.05: Says company's outlook remains that "revenues for the quarter are expected to be $68 million with a potential variability of plus or minus 10%"; pro forma loss per share will range between $0.18 and $0.28 per share -- current Multex consensus estimates are $66.9 million and a net loss of $0.22 per share.

Forest Labs expects to exceed Q2 consensus (FRX) 82.01 +0.07: Announces that it expects Q2 performance to exceed the First Call consensus est of $0.57 by at least 30% due to strong net sales volume, which will be about $530 mln; sales during the qtr were primarily driven by the co's antidepressant franchise.

Impath names CFO (IMPH) 12.91 +0.05: Company announces appointment of James Agnello as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of company, effective October 21, 2002.

Tollgrade updates Q3 guidance (TLGD) 7.81 -0.37: Expects revenue for the third quarter to be approximately $13.9 million and EPS at the "lower end of the range originally presented by the company" -- original guidance had been earnings between breakeven and $.06; company has implemented an efficiency initiative by eliminating 47 positions.

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Alt 01-10-2002, 21:25   #49
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Dell hebt Prognosen für Q3 an







wegen Totalausfall einiger US- Finanzportale heute News nur in Kurzform


Geändert von Starlight (23-11-2002 um 21:52 Uhr)
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Alt 02-10-2002, 21:22   #50
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Gewinnwarnung bei Guess ? -- guides lower for Q3 (GES) 3.55 -0.15: Company guides lower for Q3; sees earnings in the range of $0.01-$0.03 per share vs the Multex consensus estimate of $0.07 per share; says comparable store sales for the September period decreased 4.3%.

Umsatzwarnung bei AMD
Advanced Micro cuts Q3 forecast (AMD) 5.37 halted: -- Update -- Co now expects Q3 sales of $500 mln, vs consensus of $615.1 mln, and says that they now anticipate "a substantial operating loss" for the qtr; co cites continuing weakness in the PC mkt.

Gewinnwarnung bei Wet Seal -- guides lower for Q3 (WTSLA) 9.20 +0.22: Company warns for Q3 (Oct); sees earnings in the range of $0.00 to $0.05 per share vs the Multex consensus estimate of $0.18 per share.

Bank of NY lowers forecast (BK) 26.76 -2.32:

Gewinnwarnung bei Micrel -- guides lower for Q3 (MCRL) 7.36 +0.30: -- Update -- Sees revenues for the third quarter in the range of $50 million to $51 million; expects to post a pro forma loss for the third quarter of approximately $0.03 to $0.05 per share -- current Multex estimates are $0.00 per share and $55.9 million.

Check Point Sftwr updates Q3 guidance (CHKP) 13.00 -0.23: Company expects to report Q3 revenues of $103 to $104 million and earnings per share of $0.25 -- current Multex consensus estimates are $0.25 per share and $108.8 million.

Geändert von Starlight (23-11-2002 um 21:53 Uhr)
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Alt 03-10-2002, 21:11   #51
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Starbucks Sept same store sales rose 9% (SBUX) 21.15 +0.24:

Research In Motion toppt die Erwartungen um 5 Cents (RIMM) 8.54 -0.47: Reports Q2 (Aug) loss of $0.13 per share, $0.05 better than the Multex consensus of ($0.18); revenues fell 8.3% year/year to $73.4 mln vs the $75.3 mln consensus; also, co approved the repurchase of an additional 3.8 mln shares (about 5% of shares outstanding) over the next 12 months.

Integrated Circuit reiterates Q1 outlook (ICST) 14.04 -1.98: Co reiterates Q1 revenue and earnings guidance. Remains on track to meet stated targets of 4-6% sequential rev growth and EPS of $0.19-$0.20 (Multex consensus $0.20).

FreeMarkets reaffirms guidance (FMKT) 4.80 -0.28: Co reaffirms Q3 operational EPS guidance of $0.02-$0.04 and revs of $42-$44 mln (Multex consensus $0.03/$43.1 mln).

Interwoven guides lower (IWOV) 1.93 Unch: Expects total revenue in the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2002 to be in the range of $29 million to $30 million; net loss is expected to be in the range of $.07 to $.08 per share -- Multex consensus estimates are $33.6 million and a net loss of $0.04 per share.

EMC präsentiert Gewinnwarnung für Q3
Der Datenspeichergigant EMC hat nach Börsenschluss eine Gewinnwarnung für das Q3 ausgesprochen. Anstelle eines Verlusts von einem Cent/Aktie, wie Analysten dies erwarten, gehe man von einem Verlust von zwei Cents/Aktie bei einem Umsatz von 1,25 Milliarden $ aus. Außerdem wolle man die Belegschaft um 17 000 Arbeitsplätze oder 7% erleichtern. Daneben stimmte der Vorstand einem Aktienrückkaufsprogramm von 250 Mio EMC-Aktien zu. /©BörseGo

Foundry Ntwks updates guidance (FDRY) 5.53 -0.03: Sees revenue for the third quarter in the range of $75 million to $77 million; also expects earnings per share for the third quarter will be in the range of $0.04 to $0.06 per diluted share -- Multex consensus estimates are $75.0 million and $0.04 per share.

CYTYC Corp updates guidance (CYTC) 10.13 -0.24: Says third quarter total revenue will be in the range of $54 to $58 million; diluted earnings for the third quarter of 2002 will be in the range of $0.09 to $0.10 per share -- Multex consensus estimates are $56.7 million and $0.10 per share.

Geändert von Starlight (23-11-2002 um 21:54 Uhr)
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Alt 07-10-2002, 21:15   #52
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Entegris übertrifft Erwartungen um 1 Cent, gibt schwächeren Ausblick (ENTG) 6.28 -0.72: Reports Q4 (Aug) earnings of $0.06 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.05; revenues rose 20.7% year/year to $63.6 mln vs the $62.9 mln consensus; expects "sales for our next fiscal quarter to decline by about 20 percent from our last fiscal quarter" -- Multex consensus estimate is for sales of $67.0 mln.

Lockheed Martin announces share repurchase program (LMT) 61.44 +0.44: Co has authorized a share repurchase program for up to 23 million shares

Blue Martini plans reverse stock split (BLUE) 0.43 -0.05: Company's board of directors has approved a proposed reverse split at a ratio ranging from one- for-five to one-for-twelve. The proposal will be submitted to the Company's stockholders for approval at a meeting expected to occur on November 12, 2002

Charter One updates Q3 guidance (CF) 24.00 -1.43: Company expects Q3 (Sep) earnings to be consistent with most recent First Call consensus estimate of $0.60-0.62 (Multex consensus $0.61); citing strong growth in retail deposits and loan originations, particularly in non single-family products; also expects net charge-offs for quarter will be within previously indicated range of $20-$25 mln.

Proxim guides lower (PROX) 1.21 -0.29: Co expects pro forma revenue will be approximately $46 million for the third quarter; this compares with previous revenue guidance between $50 million and $55 million; Multex consensus estimate is for sales of $51.8 mln.


Geändert von Starlight (23-11-2002 um 21:55 Uhr)
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Alt 08-10-2002, 21:16   #53
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American Health übertrifft Erwartungen um 7 Cents , erhöht FY03 Gewinnschätzungen (AMHC) 12.12 -0.40: Reports Q4 (Aug) earnings of $0.24 per share, $0.07 better than the Multex consensus of $0.17; revenues rose 70.7% year/year to $38.3 mln vs the $37.7 mln consensus. Co raises FY03 EPS guidance to $1.01-$1.05 from its original target of $1.00-$1.04, and targets revs of $180-$195 mln (consensus is for $1.04 and $194.8 mln); co expects Q1 EPS of $0.20-$0.21, vs consensus of $0.22.

RPM um 1 Cent besser als erwartet (RPM) 14.11 -0.54: Reports Q1 (Aug) earnings of $0.38 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.37; revenues rose 1.7% year/year to $542.4 mln vs the $542.3 mln consensus.

Gentex Corp announces 4 mln share repurchase plan (GNTX) 24.18 -0.17:

Sara Lee erhöht Gewinnschätzungen (SLE) 19.90 +0.47: -- Update -- Expects diluted EPS for the first quarter of fiscal 2003 to be at least $.35 -- Multex consensus estimate is for earnings of $0.28 per share.


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Alt 09-10-2002, 21:09   #54
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Nordstrom Sept same store sales rose 1.7% (JWN) 15.49 -0.74:

IDEC Pharm rises after Zevalin clarification (IDPH) 36.42 -1.19: Announces that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has informed the co that the previously assigned C-codes and billing rate for Zevalin became effective on Oct 1, 2002;

Sonus Networks um 1 Cent besser als erwartet (SONS) 0.27 +0.02: Reports Q3 (Sep) loss of $0.08 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of ($0.09); revenues fell 81.6% year/year to $7.4 mln vs the $7.0 mln consensus.

Rambus um 1 Cent besser als die Schätzungen(RMBS) 4.00 -0.10: Reports Q4 (Sep) earnings of $0.06 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.05; revenues fell 12.2% year/year to $24.5 mln vs the $24.0 mln consensus. In addition, co authorized the repurchase of up to an additional 5 mln shares.

Redback Networks um 3 Cents besser als erwartet (RBAK) 0.27 +0.01: Reports Q3 (Sep) loss of $0.20 per share, $0.03 better than the Multex consensus of ($0.23); revenues fell 52.9% year/year to $17.4 mln vs the $16.5 mln consensus.

Yahoo! um 1 Cent besser als erwartet , issues 2002-03 outlook (YHOO) 9.98 +0.47: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.05 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.04; revenues rose 49.8% year/year to $248.8 mln vs the $239.3 mln consensus. Expects 2002 revs to be $930-$955 mln and 2003 to be $1.075-$1.175 bln, vs consensus of $926.3 mln and $1.021 bln

Genentech trifft die Schätzungen und meldet in-line (DNA) 31.88 -0.67: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.23 per share, in line with the Multex consensus of $0.23; revenues rose 21.4% year/year to $675.1 mln vs the $648.6 mln consensus; Rituxan sales in the third quarter of 2002 increased 38% to $293.9 million

Yahoo! sees similar gains in Q4 Marketing Services revenue (YHOO) 9.98 +0.47: -- Update -- On call, says it expects Marketing Services revenue to show similar gains in Q4 to the 22% increase achieved in Q3... YHOO +0.31 at 10.29

American Eagle warns for Q3 and Q4 (AEOS) 10.29 -0.81: Says third quarter earnings per share "could be in the range of $0.31 to $0.34" --


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Alt 10-10-2002, 21:10   #55
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Echelon übertrifft die Erwartungen um 4 Cents (ELON) 9.64 +0.65: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.13 per share, $0.04 better than the Multex consensus of $0.09; revenues rose 85.6% year/year to $33.4 mln vs the $30.1 mln consensus.

Powerwave schlägt die Schätzungen um 2 Cents (PWAV) 3.28 +0.53: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.02 per share, $0.02 better than the Multex consensus of $0.00; revenues rose 41.2% year/year to $91.3 mln vs the $88.1 mln consensus; customer diversification for the third quarter of 2002 includes Nortel Networks (NT) accounting for approximately 67% of revenues and Nokia (NOK) accounting for 10% or more of revenues.

Juniper Networks meldet 3.Quartal im Rahmen der Erwartungen (JNPR) 5.18 +0.58: Reports Q3 (Sep) loss of $0.02 per share, in line with the Multex consensus of ($0.02); revenues fell 24.6% year/year to $152.0 mln vs the $151.3 mln consensus.

Express Scripts erhöht Gewinnschätzungen (ESRX) 52.39 +1.74: Co says Q3 earnings per share will be in the $0.67 to $0.69 range, while full-year 2002 diluted earnings per share is expected to be in the $2.53 to $2.56 range -- Multex consensus estimates are $0.63 per share and $2.44 per share respectively.

Juniper Networks guides in line for Q4 (JNPR) 5.18 +0.58: -- Update -- Sees Q4 net loss of $0.01 per share -- Multex consensus estimate is for a net loss of $0.01 per share.

KLA-Tencor to repurchase up to 5 mln shares (KLAC) 27.23 +1.08: Company announced issuance of authorization to repurchase up to 5 mln shares of its common stock; action is part of continuing, systematic plan aimed at offsetting dilution created by employee stock option and stock purchase plans.

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Alt 14-10-2002, 21:10   #56
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Incyte Genomics announces $30 mln buyback (INCY) 3.29 +0.14: Announces that its board of directors has authorized the expenditure of up to $30 mln to repurchase shares of its common stock.

Unisys übertrifft Erwartungen um 1 Cent , bestätigt 2002 Gewinnaussichten (UIS) 6.76 +0.17: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.18 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.17; revenues fell 3.2% year/year to $1.33 bln vs the $1.36 bln consensus. Co says it remains on track for 2002 EPS of $0.67-$0.70 and revs of $5.5-$5.6 bln.

Unisys übertrifft Erwartungen um 1 Cent , bestätigt 2002 Gewinnaussichten (UIS) 6.76 +0.17: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.18 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.17; revenues fell 3.2% year/year to $1.33 bln vs the $1.36 bln consensus. Co says it remains on track for 2002 EPS of $0.67-$0.70 and revs of $5.5-$5.6 bln.

Temple-Inland schlägt Erwartungen um 3 Cents( TIN) 36.89 -0.14: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.28 per share, $0.03 better than the Multex consensus of $0.25; revenues rose 11.4% year/year to $1.18 bln vs the $0.99 bln consensus.

Mohawk um 1 Cent besser als erwartet (MHK) 48.12 -0.46: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $1.21 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $1.20; revenues rose 34.9% year/year to $1.22 bln vs the $1.22 bln consensus.

Maytag schlägt Schätzungen um 5 Cents ; guides lower (MYG) 20.57 -0.81: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.71 per share, $0.05 better than the Multex consensus of $0.66; revenues rose 3.1% year/year to $1.17 bln vs the $1.17 bln consensus; sees Q4 earnings of $0.60 per share vs the Multex consensus estimate of $0.62 per share.

Alliance Gaming (ALLY) 13.91 -0.25: Reports Q1 (Sep) earnings of $0.13 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.12; revenues rose 12.8% year/year to $146.7 mln vs the $142.9 mln consensus.


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Alt 15-10-2002, 21:10   #57
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RF Micro Device (RFMD) : Posts EPS of $0.04, $0.01 better than Multex. Revs up 21.8% to $119.7 mln (consensus $118.04) mln. Sees DecQ of $0.04-$0.05 on revs of $128-$132 mln (consensus $0.04/$124 mln).

Motorola matches earnings ests; falls short on revs (MOT) 10.10 Unch : Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.05 per share, in line with the Multex consensus of $0.05; revenues fell 11.9% year/year to $6.37 bln vs the $6.76 bln consensus.

DoubleClick beats by a nickel, issues guidance (DCLK) 6.03 +0.05: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.05 per share, $0.05 better than the Multex consensus of $0.00; revenues fell 19.5% year/year to $74.6 mln vs the $71.6 mln consensus. Expects Q4 pro forma EPS of ($0.01)-$0.01 and revs of $62-$66 mln, vs the Multex consensus of breakeven EPS and $71.6 mln in revs.

Novellus beats by 2 cents (NVLS) 26.13 2.68: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.11 per share, $0.02 better than the Multex consensus of $0.09; revenues fell 24.1% year/year to $230.5 mln vs the $229.0 mln consensus.

Cognex matches estimates (CGNX) 17.10 +0.81: Reports Q3 (Sep) net of breakeven, in line with the Multex consensus of $0.00; revenues fell 6.5% year/year to $31.8 mln vs the $31.5 mln consensus.

Intel misses by 2 cents (INTC) 16.52 +1.42: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.11 per share, $0.02 worse than the Multex consensus of $0.13; revenues fell 0.6% year/year to $6.50 bln vs the $6.50 bln consensus.

Intel guides Q4 revs below consensus, lowers 2002 capex (INTC) 16.52 1.42: -- Update -- Expects Q4 rev to be $6.5-$6.9 bln, vs consensus of $6.9 bln, and expects 2002 capex to be about $4.7 bln, lower than the previous expectation of between $5.0-$5.2 bln.

weitere Earnings unter Nachbörsliche Quartalsberichte ....


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Alt 16-10-2002, 21:11   #58
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E*TRADE reports in-line Q3 (ET) 4.47 -0.27: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.12 per share, in line with the Multex consensus of $0.12.

IBM beats by three cents (IBM) 64.90 -3.58: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.99 per share, $0.03 better than the Multex consensus of $0.96.

Symantec (SYMC) : Reports Q2 (Sep) earnings of $0.38 per share, $0.07 better than the Multex consensus of $0.31.

Extreme Networks beats by a penny (EXTR) 3.19 -0.68: Reports Q1 (Sep) loss of $0.03 per share,$0.01 better than the Multex consensus of ($0.04); revs were $100.6 mln, vs consensus of $100.2 mln.

IDEC Pharm beats by a penny (IDPH) 40.40 -1.06: -- Update -- Reports Q3 EPS of $0.22, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus; revs were $103.7 mln, vs consensus of $101.9 mln. U.S. Rituxin sales rose 31%.

Cerner (CERN) : Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.37 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.36.

Celestica beats by a penny (CLS) 12.08 -1.62: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.20 per share,$0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.19.

WebEx (WEBX) : Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.09 per share, $0.02 better than the Multex consensus of $0.07.

weitere Earnings unter Nachbörsliche Quartalsberichte ....


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Alt 17-10-2002, 21:09   #59
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Quest Diagnostics (DGX) : Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.87 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.86; revenues rose 17.2% year/year to $1.06 bln vs the $1.05 bln consensus.

Sun Microsystems tops estimates (SUNW) 2.99 +0.19: Reports Q1 (Sep) loss of $0.02 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of ($0.03); revenues for the first quarter were $2.7 billion vs the consensus of $2.8 billion.

Molex tops estimates (MOLX) 23.31 +1.44: Reports Q1 (Sep) earnings of $0.15 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.14.

Rational Sftwr beats by a penny, issues guidance (RATL) 5.60 -0.56: Reports Q2 (Sep) earnings of $0.04 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.03; revs were $154.5 mln, vs consensus of $147.5 mln. Expects Q4 EPS of $0.04-$0.07 on revs of $155.0-$165.0 mln, vs consensus of $0.05 and $154.9 mln.

weitere Earnings unter Nachbörsliche Quartalsberichte ....


Geändert von Starlight (23-11-2002 um 22:00 Uhr)
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Alt 21-10-2002, 21:08   #60
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JDA Software beats by a penny (JDAS) 8.22 -0.05: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.07 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.06; revs were $49.4 mln, vs consensus of $49.1 mln.

Veritas Software beats by a penny, updates Q4 guidance (VRTS) 15.90 +0.44: Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.14 per share, $0.01 better than the Multex consensus of $0.13; revs were $365.7 mln, vs consensus of $357.6 mln. Expects EPS of $0.12-$0.14 (consensus is $0.14) and says it is comfortable with First Call's rev consensus of $377 mln.

weitere Earnings unter Nachbörsliche Quartalsberichte ....


Geändert von Starlight (23-11-2002 um 22:01 Uhr)
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